Monday, January 1, 2024

Josie and Ella 11!!

The girls are 11!

Ella at 11...she is sweet, quiet, creative, social and generous.  She loves playing and being with her friends.  Ella likes to do nice things for people.  She talks about baking cookies for the neighbors, donating money for the less fortunate, etc.  Her favorite school subjects are art and math.  She still gets a little scared at night.  She likes to read, mostly comic books and snack.  I tell you this girl could snack her way through her entire life.  She doesn't need a full meal, she needs 1000 snacks in a day.  HA!  Her favorite color is pink!  She likes to occasionally do all the girl things..get dressed up in pretty dresses and do hair and makeup.  She is always changing her mind when a decision needs to be made.  It drives me crazy!   Ella you are sweet and we are so proud of you!  Always remember we LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY!! 

Josie at 11!
Josie is the mother hen and she is adding in a bit more sass each day. She is kind and social but definitely wants to know what is going on.  I can't get away with anything with out Josie questioning me or asking a million questions.  She is smart but she says her favorite class is recess.  She is in TAG and does a good job in that class.  Josie is growing...she is eating a lot of food these days and the first signs of a major growth spurt are starting to show.  She likes some things girl but always wants that in a ponytail and HATES dresses.  She says she can't play soccer in dresses.  LOL!  She wants to be independent and know the plan.  She is annoyed a lot more by her brother and sister and now even me.  I have heard quite a lot how I am annoying.  LOL!  So many more years left for me to annoy her.  She is becoming a mini teenager and I am not ready! 
Josie, you light up our lives and we love you fiercely!  Please slow down in your growing and know that we are proud of the person you are becoming! 

Girls, we love watching you both individually and together!  Your relationship with each other is so special!  I hope year 11 is the BEST year yet.  Love you both!

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