Friday, April 29, 2016

New routine?

Since I've been home on maternity leave some things have been different in our normal routine.  Mostly I don't have to go to work or be any where at a specific time. So because of this I am able to "sleep in" and by that I mean get woke up at 6:30-7am. I am usually greeted by a bright eyed girl named Josie. The new routine seems to be that she crawls in to bed and lays there with me while I wake up. Sometimes Ella is with her, so they both crawl into bed and lay with me. If Ella isn't with her she eventually makes her way in with us. Sometimes we cuddle and sometimes we talk and sometimes I try to fall back to sleep. Joey and I both agreed that we weren't going to have children sleeping with and I think about this while laying there. However, I know that when I return to work this won't happen and so I am going to enjoy this cuddle time with them. After all, they won't be little forever.  So until I go back to work I will enjoy this new morning routine, even though I don't like how early it is.  
And on occasion I have had all 3 of the kids in my bed not to me, too!

I tried to get a picture of all 4 of us in bed but it was too dark, so here is a picture of Eli sleeping

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Twins vs singleton

This is my post about the differences between twins and a singleton. As you can guess each has their differences, good and bad.  And with the first two being preemie and the 3rd being full term the differences are quite interesting.  Here is what I have noticed so far...
1.  Premie twins I had to pump breast milk, not breast feed because they couldn't nurse and my main goal was PUMP LOTS OF MILK.  With Eli, I was making too much milk. My body thought I was trying to feed 2 babies again.  This was a hard struggle to deal with
2.  We woke the girls up every 4 hours to feed to "catch up."  Eli just does his own thing. Schedule?  What's that?!!
3.  I don't remember going anywhere really with the girls and with Eli I'm nervous he will get used to sleeping in his car seat because he is always in it. It's WAY easier to take one infant than 2.  To me, this is the biggest difference.
4.  Way fewer diapers!
5. Obviously getting up in the night for one baby is sooo much easier.  Only one of us has to get up.
6.  Feeding time, even while breast feeding, doesn't take for ever
7.  Because the girls were delayed in everything, Eli is hitting milestones faster. It took MONTHS before the girls would smile and only 6 weeks in, Eli has smiled.  Because of this, Eli growing will go by so much faster than the girls did. 
8.  We hardly notice Eli. 
9.  Joey and I have both said we are glad we had twins first and not second.  One is so easy.

This is what I have noticed so far but could get longer the older Eli gets. Thank goodness Eli is an easy going baby?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

10 years

10 years ago I married the love of my life, my knight In shining armor.  I can't believe it's been 10 years. We've moved, changed jobs, have 3 beautiful children and we still have each other.  I can honestly say my love has grown 2-fold from the day I married you.  I love your kindness, your helpfulness and patience. I love how hard working you are, even though I know I get on you about your long hours.  I love your humor and how you get mine.  I love that you are my voice of reason.  I love we can do everything together and nothing at all.  The list can go on and on and in the next 10 years I hope the lists gets even longer! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Eli Nathaniel~1 month

He is so cute!

Mr. Eli is 1 month old! That went fast. I seriously cannot believe we are over a month into being a family of 5. I have said multiplie times that the time with Eli will go by so much faster than it did with the girls because the girls were sooo little and delayed because of prematurity.  And this pass month solidified my thoughts.  Eli is a very cool calm baby. Besides being a spit-up King, he is pretty chill. He had his 1 month appointment and he is growing just fine. 
His official stats:
Weight:  9lbs 11.5 oz, 50th percentile
Length:  22 inches, 50-75th percentile
Head:  15 inches, 50th percentile

Look how long he looks!

One month in looks like this in our household..
Eli is breastfeeding and is doing very well at it.  He is getting up 1 time in the night (hopefully he sleeps thru the night soon) and is outta newborn clothing due to his length! 
The girls are completely in love with him.  They love to hold him and help give him bottles. They want to give him hugs and kisses at bedtime and help give him baths. We have two little chairs at the changing table so they can help/keep an eye on him during diaper changes. 
Mom has relaxed a little with the girls and what they do with Eli.  It was hard for me to let them do anything with him because I was afraid they would be too rough. I took me a good 3-3.5weeks to get the breastfeeding under control. Mastitis, multiplie engorgements and oversupply were the issues there. I think we have a handle on this breastfeeding thing, although I'm not enjoying it yet. I know what  breastfeeding can be and I am hoping the bonding and easiness of it come soon.
And dad is the bath master. He has given Eli all of his baths so far and that's fine by me!  Good bonding time with him since he doesn't get much "feeding" time with him.

Loving their brother! 

Keep on growing buddy! We can't wait to see you thru all your firsts and see your emerging personality grow too!  We love you very much

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I like science. Mostly the life sciences. My favorite class in college was hockey class. We showed up and played ice hockey for 1 hour. It was great and I took the class 6 times! But this post is about science not hockey, which is why I will tell you my second favorite class in college was, pathophysiology.  
Ok so on Sunday, Joey brought the boat home to get it ready for upcoming boating season and there was this birds nest on it. Joey removed it and left so the girls could see it. There were 3 eggs (and a piece of popcorn:\ ) in it. So we had a nice little "science" lesson about birds, nest and eggs.  I'm not sure they super enjoyed it, but if this momma can get her girls pumped up about science I will.  
Checking out the nest.  Right after Ella tried to grab an egg.  She is not scared to touch stuff and check it all out!
Science is sure more interesting than learning about business. Their dad can have fun trying to teach them about stocks, retirement, investments and supply and demand!  Good luck! :)

Monday, April 4, 2016


Easter was celebrated this year with my parents since they were here visiting.  We went to church, the easter bunny came, had a small egg hunt and dinner.  It was a very nice celebration with family, even if we are still eating left over ham.

Easter church picture that Ella wouldn't cooperate for
After church she was a bit more cooperative
The Easter bunny had come and filled their baskets up with lots of goodies

Josie checking out her basket
Ella checking out all her goodies
Even Eli had a basket filled with goodies just for him
The Tattoos were hit
Grandparent church picture

We were hoping to do an egg hunt outside, but the weather wasn't good.  It was too cold and wet so we moved the egg hunt in doors.  Here is a little video of the hunt.

Grandparents and grandkids

We had grandparents in for a visit to meet the new little addition to the family.  This was the first time the girls didn't need to "warm" up to Grandma's and Grandpa.  They were excited to see them and of course, LOVED all the gifts they came with.  They were definitely spoiled!

Grandma S 

Grandma and Grandpa E