Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Ella Mae

Ella Mae is 4! This girl.....
I swear you march to the beat of your own drum on some days.  You are ornery, manipulative, silly, very smart and not so good at listening.  I think you get away with a lot because you are small and cute! :) You are also a bit of a perfectionist and are my artist.  You have to make every picture you color or draw perfect as well as your hand writing. You are my stop and smell the flowers kind of girl and that doesn't always mesh with this busy mom who always has something to do.  
 (On her 4th birthday)

I absolutely love your silliness and what an awesome big sister you are.  The bond you have with Eli is really awesome to watch grow, as he grows to interact with more with you.

You are a bit of a daredevil, my dancer and seem to try new things first. 
At your last weigh in you were 31.5pounds and 2 inches shorter than Josie.  You eat like a bird and I swear you could care less if you even eat.  I have NO IDEA where that comes from. 

Ella, I hope you stay silly and keep that orneriness!  I can't wait to see what your creative side will do as you grow.  You are tiny but mighty and we love you so much!  You are very smart and know how to get what you want. 

Josie Marie

Josie at 4:  She is kind, caring and sensitive.  Her kindness radiates and reminds me of her father.  She is social and LOVES to play with her friends.  She is my talker and my leader.  It always seems that she is leading in play.  She's a good listener and really really tries to do her best.  She wants to do a good job and strives for that positive reinforcement. 
(On her 4th birthday)

Josie is in 4T clothes and is about 2 inches taller than Ella.  Her last weigh in and she was 36 pounds
She is still my good eater and is starting to get her opinion about what she wants for dinner and had put in requests. 

She is a wonderful big sister, but doesn't quite have the bond that Ella and Eli have at this point. 

Keep on going girl!  I hope you stay kind and keep that natural leader role you display now.  Both good qualities.  Your first year in preschool has amazed us with your learning and inquisitive mind.  Mom and Dad love you very much and are so very proud of who you are at 4!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Shultz Family

Polar Express

I heard about the Polar Express and wanted to take the girls on it this year.  I didn't know much about it other than you ride a train to the North Pole to see Santa.  It sold out on the first day.  Thankfully we were able to get tickets for the Mount Pleasant Polar Express.  Here are few of the pictures from our very fun and exciting trip.

They can hear the train coming, anxiously waiting for it to come into view.

Here it is, an old steam engine.  And the train workers dressed in their uniforms. 

All aboard the train! We were on the car snowflake.  We all had tickets that they checked and stamped.  We were on the train for about 20-25 minutes and then we arrived at the North Pole. 

The first stop the girls wanted to go to was to see Santa.  The girls love Santa this year.  Last year they were hesistant especially Ella.  But this year they went right up to him and told him what they wanted and weren't shy or scared.  This is Eli's first Santa picture, it's not too bad.  I wonder how he will do next year :)

They had lots of different things to do and see like a model train set up that they can control and cookies and hot chocolate (the girls favorite), a snow machine to make snow and a snow princess

We also got to get a picture of all us together.

Lots of light displays and Ella with her jingle bell she got for sitting on Santa's lap.

Eli was just taking it all in.

They had crafts the kids could do too.  Josie is coloring an ornament and has since hung it on the tree.  Notice the cookie--I think it was her 3rd....
After all our fun at the North Pole we rode the train back home.  The girls had a great time and I did too.  It was a pretty neat experience and we may just have to do it again.

Eli-9 months

Like how?  How is it possible that my little man is 9 months?  It has FLOWN by. It has definitely gone by faster than with the girls.  I am soooo enamored with him too.  He is such a happy, happy HAPPY baby and just ohhh so cute.  I want to eat him up :) 

Eli at 9 months:

He is in 6-9 month-9 months clothes
Size 3 diapers
Eats table food and doesn't want purred food.  He actually slaps the spoon out of your hand.
Still breastfeeds
Crawls and on the move ALL. DAY. LONG.  He cries when I put him in his car seat.
Loves watching his sisters
Doesn't sleep well at daycare, but sleeps great at home.
Has 2 teeth
Starting to climb the steps
Pulls himself up on furniture
Likes to get into things he shouldn't like the Christmas tree and Barbie bin with the tiny shoes.
And he loves his Momma :)

This is most of how the pictures turned out for the 9 month picture.  He wants to GO!

Eli,  I love watching you grow, but can you please slow down!  You light up my world with your smile and happiness.  I hope you keep this same happy, easy personality because you are going need it with sisters like yours :)  I love watching you learn and explore and can't wait to see what you will grow to be like.  We all love you so much, you have made our family complete!

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving has come and gone very quickly, as per usual.  It is a packed full weekend with lots of family and food.  I stuffed myself soo full and enjoyed every minute of it.  Annabelle made it again this year and the girls had a BLAST!!!  I wish I had half the energy they have.  The girls can't wait to see her again.

Lexie came for a quick visit too.  She did her best to keep up with the big girls. Not sure what Eli will do being around all these girls!

All the cousins
I just don't get to see this one enough.  She such a cutie.
I did get to catch a quick visit with my bestie, Michelle.  It's always great to visit with her.  I am glad we were able to make it work.  It just keeps getting tougher and tougher with 3 kids, both living far away from BG and scheduling it between all the family thanksgivings.

Rub a dub dub 3 goofballs in a tub.  Eli LOVED being in the big bathtub and not in his baby bath we do at home.  He was just splashing and splashing and laughing and squealing.   It was just too cute.

And how about that Ohio State/Michigan game!  Go Ohio State!