Saturday, November 5, 2016

Vinnie-Senior Pictures


 My birthday present 10 years ago was an adopted cat that needed to go to a family with no children and no other pets.  She hated other animals, people and kids.  She was skidish, a loner and hid a lot.  She was not the BEST cat in the world, but she was ours.  She liked me the best, but had to make up to Joey when I was in the hospital for 3 months with the girls.  The first night I was home with Josie, she was afraid to come into the living room, hesitantly she finally did and sniffed out Josie and then finally cuddled with me on the couch.  Ever since bringing the girls home, she has mostly hid in basement but would come out after they went to bed.  Well the past month we were having some litter box issues and after taking her to vet and nothing changing, we had to make a decision.  When I came home after work to get her, I wondered if I was doing the right thing or not.  The minute I walked into the vet the tears came.  I have to remember that she had a good life and 10 extra years because we adopted her. The girls have not asked about her yet, but that's because they haven't noticed her not around.  I did tell them to give her hugs and kisses the night before because she was going to kitty heaven.  They didn't give her any hugs or kisses because she ran away from them :) 
Rest in Peace Princess!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Kinder gymnastics

I signed the girls up for gymnastics the end of summer and here is a little preview of the class.



In all honesty, the girls don't talk about it much, but they do ask when it is.  I don't think they are in LOVE but I do know they don't hate it.  So heres to more summersaults in the living room and back bend constests. 

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016 was a success!  We had many different outings that has equaled A LOT of candy. 

Eli had so many Halloween outfits we started very early wearing them early.  Here is the pumpkin outfit Josie wore her first Halloween.  He's pretty cute!
The girls had a change of costume last minute and decided they wanted to wear their dress up dresses and be snow white and Elsa for our first Halloween outing that happened to be a trunk or treat at the country club. 
Trunk or treat fun!  After Ella got her first candy in her bag she said " I LOVE trick or treating!"
Me too honey, me too! :)
Eli didn't seem to care too much
We also carved pumpkins and by we, I mean Joey and I.  The girls were totally into doing it for about 2 minutes and then they played around outside.  The weather was awesome, at least.
Ella enjoyed apple cider while Joey and I worked away.
We were so festive with our pumpkin leaf bag.  It's easy AND useful.  I think I liked this the best and more than anyone else. 
Eli 's daycare had a Halloween party and Eli was the ONLY one without a costume.  His mom is a failure and forgot.  :(  I know it's not a big deal to Eli and he won't remember, but it is just another reminder of how I am failing at home/work life balance. 
But, at Josie's preschool she had snack day and I did make these green monster snacks for her class.  I hope that made up for the costume thing with Eli, however Josie was also supposed to bring a book in too and again, I forgot.
On actual trick or treat night, we met at a friends house, had dinner and then went around trick or treating in their neighborhood.  Here is the group. 
Ella as Elsa, Josie as Anna and Eli the skeleton
This was the first time trick or treating in a different neighborhood and all was good!  We had a good time and in this neighborhood the parents got a little trick or treating themselves in the form of a shot!  Cool.....kinda.  I had a headache from it the next day.  I'm old.