Saturday, September 28, 2013

9 Month Stats

We went to the doctor this past week and have our numbers!

At the doctors office.  Ellas feet with no braces too!
Weight: 16lbs (3-10 percentile)
Length: 25.5 (3rd percentile)
Head: 17 1/4 (50th percentile)
Ella you are not crawling, but I think that has everything to do with the brace you wear.  She can sit up great, even when you get the brace off and you also can stand by things (brace on).  You are wearing 3-6 month clothes,  just about 6 month clothes, and are wearing size 2 diapers.  You are a picky eater, but we found some favorites like sweet potatoes and all fruit.  Still only have 2 teeth in (bottom).  You didn't care for pepperoni, but you liked my chili!  You are sweet and happy baby!  You laugh a lot and are very ticklish and LOVE bath time.  You haven't said any words yet, but Mama should be coming soon! LOL! And you are just starting to wave bye bye.  As of your IC appointment on Friday, we get to decrease your brace wearing down to night time and naps.  YES!!!!   You are happy when we take those off and I bet you will take off with moving now!

Weight: 17lbs (10-25 percentile)
Length: 26 3/4 (10 percentile)
Head: 18 (90th percentile)
Josie, you are army crawling everywhere.  You are no longer interested in your toys and more interested in lamp cords, the cords from the TV, outlets and the cat food dish.  You have made it so we've had to put up gates.  You are wearing 6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.  As usual, you LOVE eating.  Anything.  I don't think there is a food you don't like!  You have said "bye bye" and "mama" and you now know how to clap.  You have 2 bottom teeth and 3 top ones are poking thru.  You don't nap at daycare because you just want to know whats going on.  You are our social butterfly! 
Although expected, you are developementally behind.  Dr. Miller has referred us to University of Iowa Children's developemental office (here in Ottumwa), where they will do a very THOROUGH  assessment of each of you two.  This is nothing to cause concern (Grandma), just want to keep a close eye on the two of you! 
Mom and Dad love you so much and are just LOVING this stage!  You are lots of fun to play with and love when we get those big belly laughs!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spirit Week

This week was spirit week at school so the girls' and I did what we could.
Monday: Twin Day (duh, of course the girls' did this)

Tuesday: Neon Day

Wednesday: Super Hero day
We didn't have super hero costumes, but we made our super hero day work
Thursday:  Favorite band T-shirt day
Pink Floyd and Ella rocking Aerosmith onesie!

Friday is red and white day, but we won't be there.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Dear Breast Cancer,
A friend of mine has been diagnosed with you.  It is now, that I can call you a son of B.  You are no good, not wanted and a really big pain.  You thought you got one.  Well, you did.  You got one alright.  You got a fighter, a mother, a persistent, courageous tough cookie!  You know what else you got? You got her friends and family that have her back.  See, now you don't have just one.  We are all standing right behind her, cheering her on.  If you knock her down, she's got us.  Breast Cancer, you think you can win, but you are fighting a battle against all of us too! 
All the needles, labs, x-rays, hair loss and doctor visits are your little jabs.  You need to watch out, she's packing a TKO punch for you this Thursday.  I'm even giving you a warning because I don't want you to underestimate the strength and sheer determination she has kick your butt!
She's got you!  She's got you backed into corner and she is ready.  You thought she's been fighting already.  Well, honey, that was just warm up for her! She's has 2 beautiful boys to get home to and not even you can stop her!

                                  Girls night out before surgery. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


It's time for the cool nights, windows open and me warm, snuggled under the blankets. Fall is here. The girls turned 9months this past week too!!  I can't believe it!!  With both of these things, I bought some pumpkins for the girls (their first pumpkins) and thought about their 9 month photos I am going to do and thought we needed some "props."  I also wanted to get some photos outside when the leaves have changed colors and fallen.  So they need to start changing colors stat!!  I have some great ideas in my head for pictures, but it is usually the execution that fails!  I am hoping I can get some good ones.
 Totally going to try a Pinterest idea on these for carving!
Have I mentioned it's football time?!!!  The Shultzs' and some friends of our, the Schultes,  here in Iowa LOVE watching Buckeye football!  And Lynn, once again, has SPOILED our girls!!  She made these very cute, very awesome dresses for the girls.  They are absolutely adorable.  She said she made these with out a pattern.  You are getting VERY good, Lynn!  I don't know where you find the time for all this stuff.  I have half as many kids as you and I'm lucky if my toilet doesn't have a ring in it.  Thanks sooooooo much for the dresses we LOVE them.
Some other random things here in Iowa, good and bad...
3 of my friends have closed on new houses!!  How exciting for them...except the moving part :/
A friend of ours experienced a tragedy in his life when his younger sister died unexpectedly last week.  Our thoughts continue to be with him and his family.
Our friend Jody, with breast cancer has completed her chemo therapy and is scheduled for her mastectomy next week!  Wishing her a very speedy and painless recovery!!
I continue to try to work out, but find it difficult with schedules to get them in.
Josie has the dreadful runny nose--the continuous drip kind.  Ugh.
Coming soon..9 month stats and 9 month pictures!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Oh no!

Josie is off!  She did this last Thursday before Grandparents came and she is even faster now!  We have pulled out the baby gates and the outlet plugs.  Now we just have to figure out where to put the cat food!!  She's been in it twice now!


To be fair,  here is one of Ella and I having fun!  She is not crawling, but she is scooting!  Once we get those darn braces off she'll get to crawling.

G G and G

This past week Grandma, Grandpa and Gigi (great g-ma) came to visit.  The whole week they kept the girls so they didn't have to go to daycare and they could soak up grandbaby time.  What this means for Joey and I is that the girls were spoiled rotten and had tons of attention and we will not be able to keep that up. 

Go Buckeys! 

Besides playing with the girls, a lot of sewing was done by Gigi.  I was actually baking the cookies and she jumped in to help, although it looks like I put her to work.  The snickerdoodles were delicious!

Grandma came bearing gifts.  She brought toys and clothes for the girls.  Both are "sharing" this toy; I should prolly enjoy that while it lasts!  The girls just played and played with this toy.  It has the 4 "buttons" and when you do it, they pop up and then you push it down.  They loved it!  Thanks Grandma!

(Getting ready for OSU game, while G-pa distracts them)
Joey and I took advantage of having them there and asked if they would babysit and of course, they said yes!!!  So Friday, after the girls went to bed, Joey and I went out for a "date."  We left around 9pm, which is funny cause that has been our bedtime, but were back by 11!  And then Saturday, we went out and met some friends for the Iowa/Iowa St. game.  We don't personally care, but we took advantage of the babysitters and opted to go out, then sit and watch the buckeyes play.  Good choice!
It was a great week, the girls' were spoiled and their parents were spoiled with babysitters/cooks/sewers and diaper changers! 

What a bunch of beauties! 

Monday, September 2, 2013


The low grade temp that started Saturday morning that I thought was just teething, was not. 

Ella was sick and by today had a high temp of 103.9 when she woke up from her nap. 

Tylenol, Ibuprofen, a cool bath and some extra loving really did her good. 
An extra day off this week for me since she can't go to daycare, hopefully does me good too.  I have a feeling I will be up tonight with her, like I was last night when her fever was 102.7.
Poor baby girl.

Labor Day Weekend

We didn't do anything real special this holiday weekend.  We started it, on Friday night, taking the girls' swimming at the country club.  It was a HOT day at 101F out.  Good day for swimming.  Some friends met us there and just as the girls' turned into pruned we went headed home.  Nate and Angie came over as well and we ordered pizza.  Nolan even came over! 
Saturday I went on a MAJOR SHOPPINGN SPREE!  Except I didn't pay for anything and it wasn't for me.  Nolan just bought a house and he needed everything for a kitchen.  I offered to go with him to give my "girl" opinion on things.  He wanted me to help him so we met at Herbergers where we picked out dishes, serving dishes, knives, silverware.  From there we went to Walmart and got all the cheap kitchen stuff.  He got a trash can to dish washer detergent to place mats.  It was a lot of fun to go picking all that stuff out.  As we went up and down isles, I told him what he needed gave him "a few" color options and let him pick.  A couple times he thought he needed something and I said "no, put that down, you don't need that."  HAHA!!  We really just got him basic stuff since he doesn't cook at all.  Then it was Buckeye football time!!  The girls
 were sporting their buckeye gear and ready to cheer them on.
Saturday night we didn't do much either.  Ella was running a temp and wasn't acting like her self.  I think she is teething and that is where the temp is coming from.  There really isn't anything specific that I can tell is wrong with her.  She got some extra loving from mom, though.
Sunday, I had a Fantasy Football draft for the league I am in.  Ella was still running a temp, but she managed to help me pick a great team!  Except she did pick a TE that is out for 6 weeks after having surgery.  I won't hold that against her.

Then Nolan had us all over for dinner so he could use all his new stuff. He had steaks and Amish pie (which was delicious) and homemade ice cream.  Everything was delicious and Nolan was pretty stoked to have people over!!