Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Valentine’s Day

Usually I have gotten Valentine pictures of the kids in the past, however this year it just didn't work out.  So no pictures.  I did do a heart on the girls door so every morning from Feb 1st to the 14th they woke up with a heart and what/why we love each one.  They enjoyed it and maybe mom forgot one or two and they had to remind me.  

Ella made me a Valentines card, which I LOVE!!  They each made one for daddy and he hung them up in his office at work.  :)

A Valentines breakfast for my valentines.  Pink and red was the theme, complete with heart shaped toast.  And daddy got them each a little activity pack for Valentines day. 

Our Valentine outfits we were able to get one more wear out of this year!

Happy birthday 3

Eli turns 3!!!!  And boy did we celebrate.  Grandma and grandpa were here from Ohio to help celebrate and his god parents came over too.  From the time he woke up and we said "happy birthday" he was on cloud 9.  He was very excited to open his presents and eat his cake.  It was torture waiting all morning to celebrate.  We first opened presents and he was all about that.  He knew right what to do.  As you can see he was completely SPOILED!  I think his favorite gift is from Grandma, a construction play set.  

For his birthday I made him this 3 car cake.  It was quite the ordeal of picking out what cake he wanted.  He first told me he wanted a choo-choo cake, then a house cake, then a car cake and then it switched about 5 more times.  I decided I was doing this car cake.  It took quite a bit of time and as soon as I sat it in front of him he says "I want a choo-choo cake"  I win some and I lose some....

Opening presents with Grandma and Grandpa and Nancy, Bill and Evvie Bishop.
The paw patrol fire truck that Dad and I got for him.  Another big hit

He also got to celebrate his birthday at school.  He took in some cupcakes to share with all his friends.  Eli had a great birthday. Now onto potty training and less tantrums! :)

Eli~age 3

Eli at age 3.  Eli is definitely all boy.  He loves trains, cars and playing outside, puddles, daddy and barely has time for cuddles anymore.  He loves reading books and still wants someone in his room while he goes to sleep.  He is talking SO MUCH MORE!!  His speech since last summer has just completely taken off and has so much to say.  He definitely wants to be in charge and wants to do everything his way but now, he can at least tell us that he is not going to listen to us. 

Eli loves to torment his sisters and they give him the reaction he is looking for every single time. :)  He wants to be included in everything and is always saying ME, ME!!  His behavior is most likely that of a 2-3 year old, however I am really over it.  He is pretty defiant, tells mom and dad NO and definitely throws a tantrum if he doesn't like what, how or when something is not his way.  Naps are getting harder and harder to get him to sleep, although he still needs one.  He is not potty trained yet and when asks about using the potty he says NO! and runs away.  Wish me luck with this next venture. 

He is currently in a size 3T clothes and size 8 shoe.  He is 31lbs and not sure on height as we will get that at his physical next week.  He is a really good eater for everyone else except mom or dad.  Lately he doesn't touch his dinner and then wakes up STARVING!!  But when he is at daycare or with someone else he will eat GREAT!  He loves all things sweet and I am hoping his sweet tooth comes in handy for potty training.  He definitely wants all the attention and has a hard time sharing mom or dad with his sisters.  Homework with sisters gets a bit crazy cause Eli pesters me because he wants me to play with him and not his sisters.  Year 3 with Eli I hope, becomes a bit less "terrible 2-ish" and a lot more "terrific 3-ish."  I hoping me we a few more milestones in there like PRESCHOOL and potty training and clearer speech.  Can I really be talking preschool already?!  Eli, I hope you know in between the yelling, we love you so much!  You can certainly be a pistol but were gonna keep you because in between those episodes is such and happy, silly, loving boy!!!