Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Meet Donut the newest edition to the family!
On Monday morning Josie woke up early and told me she wanted a kitty or puppy and I immediately said that wasn't going to happen so pick something different.  Literally, the same day at work my co-worker asked me if I wanted this kitten that showed up at her house on Saturday.  She was going to take it to the shelter later that day if I said no.  She showed me a picture and told me how GREAT she was with her grandkids and she was using the litter box already.  It was pretty cute too.  Somehow, someway, we ended up bringing this kitty home.  I might be re-thinking this decision.
The girls are absolutely in LOVE.  They went to bed late because they were too excited about her and then woke up early too.  At bed time Josie says "Good night, I love you!" and so I respond to her and she says "No mom, I'm talking to Donut!"  Well I guess I am chopped liver now.  Eli LOVES the cat too and he shows it by grabbing, hitting (toddler petting) and squeals when he sees her.  He has been giving her hugs and poking at her eyes and touching her nose, which we all know, cats just love that kind of attention! LOL!
Josie is the one that picked out her name.  When we were taking her from my co-workers house Josie asked what her name was and she said she didn't have one so we would need to name her.  With out any hesitation or pause Josie says "Her name is Donut!"  On the way home I was trying to give other
options for names like Pumpkin, Foxy, Sprinkles and Joey even thru out a few like Ariel or Jasmine or other Disney Princess names.  My last suggestion of sprinkles Josie says "Mom, her name is Donut. Stop calling her other names."  So her name is Donut!
I'm not sure that Donut is ready for what awaits her in the Shultz household, but so far she hasn't been hiding and seems to do quite well with the girls picking her up and "playing" with her.  So welcome to the family, Donut.  Next up will be her being fixed because 1 cat is plenty for this mom! I still can't believe I agreed to this.....

Eli 18 months

Eli is 18 months old and he is INTO everything! Although he is a very happy boy, he definitely has his moments of temper tantrums and that includes screaming, crying and throwing himself on the floor.  We're all pretty good at ignoring him :)  He LOVES his sisters and being outside, which is why camping has been ok with him.  His face lights up and is all smiles when he sees his sisters in the morning.  He is so busy climbing and running he seems to NEVER hear us say "NO" because he just keeps doing what he is doing when we say it.  He has all his teeth in except his 1 eye tooth that is just about to poke thru and the other 3 are all poked out, but are not completely in.  These teeth are really the only ones that have seemed to cause him any problems.  Eli is a pretty good eater and eats just about anything we put in front of him.  

Here are Eli's 18 month stats:
Weight:  24 1/2 inches
height: 30 inches (10-25%)
Head: 49cm (95%)
wearing size 18 month clothes, size 5 shoe, size 3 diapers
Sleep: thru the night around 11 hours and 1 nap a few hours long
talking: no words

His lack of talking at his 18 month appointment has resulted in a speech referral.  I am not concerned as I know he follows directions and understands things.  He is just like a boy with older sisters and will be a little behind talking.  He hasn't even said momma or dada yet.  Still not concerned.  He will eventually say so much, I'm sure I will wish he was quiet again. LOL!

Since his Friday appointment though, he has said "ball" and "more."

Eli, since you have been walking, I have struggled with you in uncontrolled environments.  I feel I have struggled more with adding you into the mix than I did bringing home 2 BABIES at one time.  I do believe its you being a BOY.  You are sweet, smiley and just so happy so I wouldn't trade you.  We LOVE you so much! Keep growing, but if you could leave all your sisters things alone and slow down a little that would be fine.  :)