Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentines day photos 2018

Every year since the girls were born, for some reason, I have done Valentine photos.  It wasn't something I planned to do but about the 3rd year I thought I should keep doing it. So I did!  Here are this years pictures!


Valentines Tea

For Christmas the girls had gotten a real tea set from Santa.  I had asked the girls if they wanted to have tea party for Christmas and of course, they said yes.  So on Sunday, before Valentines day we had invited 6 friends over for tea.  They were to wear pink or red and be ready to play. 

These girls were beyond excited!  I should actually call it torture tea because it was killing them to wait until 1pm on Sunday for the tea party to start. 
Just about all their friends were here!  One was late, but made it just in time for the craft!
Our little craft project we did.

And all the kiddos in their pink and red

Eli, thankfully, was napping during the tea party and "out of the girls hair."  I actually can't believe he slept thru it!  But he got in on some fun at the very end

Eli's shirt has a dinosaur holding a heart with a bite out of it and it says "Love Bites"

Surprise Joey!!

In October sometime, I was getting my hair done and thinking how I should do a surprise 39th birthday party for Joey because no suspects anything special for a 39th party. So I decide to text my friend Ashley, about my awesome idea, except as soon as I hit send I realized I sent that to JOEY!!!  OOPS!!!  So then I send him a follow up text of "Never mind, I'm an idiot so I guess that won't be happening"  Too which Joey laughs about.  Fast forward to the end of January and Ashley tells me how I should really do a surprise party and how after my error he definitely wouldn't be expecting anything.  Basically, I got talked into having a surprise party for Joey and it totally worked!  I even arranged his mom to come out to be here for it. 
The excuse to get him outta the house was we were going to a chocolate lovers fund raiser event, while his mom babysat.  After we left we ran a couple errands, the babysitter came, and my friend Nancy picked up Jane and got her down to the restaurant.  It went PERFECT!!!  He was VERY surprised, although you wouldn't know it by Joey's reaction!! 
Joey had requested peanut butter icing for his birthday cake and that is what he got.  I even got the original Joey head on a stick in the cake.

I feel like Joeys head on a stick is "his thing" because of the one we have (the cake one) so I just happened to order these HUGE heads of Joey on a stick!  They were a big hit and pretty funny!

Also had this back drop and a few photo booth props for pictures, but people were mostly into Joey's head on a stick :)

Jane and her son!!

The party was great!  I think people had a good time and we had a lot of people come and best of all Joey was surprised at the end of a tough week.
And here are the kids having fun with daddy's heads!! HAHAHA!!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Lost Tooth

We have our first lost tooth in the house.  Last week, Ms. Josie was eating a dill pickle spear and her it knocked her tooth loose and 5 days later it fell out.  She came to me and shouted "MY TOOTH MOMMY!"  and handed me her little tooth.  She is VERY excited about the tooth fairy coming and can't wait to tell her teacher at school.  She had a dentist appointment in September and the dentist said then that her tooth was just starting to be loose and we could expect it to fall out around Christmas time.  I thought she was nuts! But here we are 2 days into February and it's out.  Another milestone in the books!
My baby girl is growing up and I just can't believe it. 
And here she is with all her loot!!!