Sunday, June 22, 2014


We took our first "real" family vacation, other than to Ohio, this past week.  Our friends, the Richardson's, planned a trip to Maine to visit some friends and suggested we come along.  I was off work and Joey had some vacation, next thing I know we booked our flights.  I have wanted to get to Maine and June is the time to do it! We had a great time and I took tons of pictures!  Here is the low down on our vacation..


Flights were not long and we had a layover in Chicago both ways.  I was nervous flying with 18mo twins and had everything but the kitchen sink packed for the plane, just in case!  The girls did great.  They were on our laps and slept some, played with the tray table some, window visor, skymall magazine and etc.  Although checking in and loading the plane was interesting we had many dirty looks and I overheard people saying in line they hope they don't get stuck next to them (girls weren't in line).  We heard the usual TWINS!!  statements but were asked MORE if Embry and girls were triplets.  It was NUTS how many times people asked!

Ella looking out the plane window

Ella napping on plane

Josie enjoying a snack on the plane

"The Triplets"


We stayed in a one bedroom home on a lake.  Scott and Lainey were very nice to let us all stay there for free.  Lots of people in the little house, but we made it work.  Plus we did lots of things outdoors too!  The girls' experienced many firsts too!

We went boating on the pontoon and the girls loved it.  They didn't even mind the life jackets.

Josie liking it

Ella too!  
I packed both those life jackets and a pack n play in the checked suitcase that also had the girls' and my clothes in. Whew!

The girls looking out the front of the boat.

Ella driving with Scott

The Beach:  The girls experienced their first time at the beach.  We went to Popham beach for the day and they liked that too.  It was just a bit windy/chilly but still had fun.  (See videos in last post)

Ella had fun raking the sand dad piled up


Ella really liked chasing the seagulls.  This is what she was doing here.  Except they kept moving away from her.

Josie running to get Cohen.

Lake Fun:
We played at the lake too.  We could just walk right out the house and we were there.  It was quite nice.

View from the back deck.  

the beach area

pretty sure Ella is eating the sand here

all the kiddos enjoying the raft and sun


No the girls didn't jet ski, but mom and dad did while they were napping!  I was a WAY better driver than Joey.  FUN!!!

Other stuff:  

Enjoying sunsets on the lake

And full moons!

Lobster for dinner


Harbor with many sailboats


paddle boating


and just hanging out too

Illness' and Injuries:  What vacation wouldn't be complete without these?  Nothing major happened, thank goodness!  Ella started with a slight cough on Saturday that turned into a terrible cough and runny nose by Monday night, neither Joey or I slept because she was coughing so bad in the night.  That cough quickly spread to Josie, me, Steph and Embry :(  Then pink eye hit the girls.  Veteran mom Steph had packed pink eye drops and let us use them.  Another thing to pack from now on! We also had some falls and face plants, nothing too terrible, but Ella did get a bloody nose. 

My little bruiser

Although we had a WONDERFUL time, I think we were all ready to get back to our own beds and schedule and routine (me).  As you all can imagine traveling with kids our age is very HARD, but worth it.  
all tuckered out!



Beach Videos

Videos of the girls first time at the beach
Sorry they are sideways.
Ella and sand
Josie and sand

Thursday, June 12, 2014

We Love You Daddy

Happy Father's Day!!!

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!

18 months

We had our 18 month check up, here are the official stats and where the girls are.
Weight: 24.5lbs  50th percentile
Lenth: 30 in, 10th percentile
Josie is my DRAMA QUEEN!!!!  She is so very dramatic about not getting what she wants.  She will whine and throw a fit if she can't have my phone, or is stopped from getting into stuff or if she can't have what her sister has.  She is still a very good eater and really doesn't have favorite food.  She's also my talker (wonder where she gets that from), although it is mostly jibberish right now.  She knows how to sign "more" and "please."  Josie has just recently started to throw a fit when I leave and has started to act shy when meeting people.  SHe is also the jealous one with attention.  If I am playing with Ella or have her on my lap she wiggles her whiney self onto my lap.  You are a VERY big helper though!  You get shoes when time to go bye-bye, help sister walk and put things away like your blocks. You are wearing a size 4 diaper and 18 month clothes.

Weight: 21.5lbs, 10th percentile
Lenth: 29.5in, 3-10th percentile
Ella is my little lover.  She likes to snuggle and give hugs and kisses!  She likes animals and loves to read.  Grandma read her their stack of books 3 times at one sitting because she has a great attention span. You are not walking yet, but want to be.  You hold out your hands for us to hold you up to walk.  You are more of picky eater than your sister but you still do pretty well.  You are really getting into dipping (ketchup) your food.  You are more of my ornery one!  You watch your sister get in trouble, look right at me and do what your sister just got in trouble for.  You also say a few words including "TOUCHDOWN" while throwing your arms up in the air.  You are wearing 12-18month clothes and size 4 diaper, but I think a size 3 would still work for you. You try really hard to keep up with your sister. 

I have loved watching the two of you grow and see how NOT identical you are!! You have such different personalities shining through.  We love watching the relationship between the two of you blossom and can't wait to see what the future holds!  We love you two little ladies very much!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy Half Birthday

So having a December birthday just really plain stinks.  I feel Christmas just really takes over that time of year and the girls birthday will get lost in all the hub bub.  I want to celebrate the girls birthday on their half birthday when it is warm and people don't have Christmas parties to go to.  I'm guessing that family will still celebrate birthdays in Ohio, but Mom and Dad will celebrate in June.  And that is just what we did!

Everyone in front of the birthday sign

Josie didn't really care to stand there and smile!
We had invited some friends over for some food and fun and help in celebrating and they came!  Grandma from Ohio even made it for the party!  Glad she was able to help celebrate.
We had cake!

And presents!
They liked ripping the wrapping paper and really didn't care too much about the gifts, which was good because they got swim diapers and new sippy cups!  Woo.  This mom is really good about the practical gifts.

Grandma got the girls a "band in a box" set!  It is really cute!  It was complete with cymbols, tamberine, maroccas, triangle and wood stick thing.  The girls are REALLY enjoying making noise with all those items....thanks Jane! :)

The "big" gift we got the girls was a water table!  They absolutely love the water and I don't want to watch them like a hawk in a baby pool, so I thought this would be a good idea.  Dad set up that evening, but it was raining and pretty chilly and didn't want to put take it out and put water in it.  He was over-ruled by Grandma and me.  We filled it with warm water from the sink and it was awesome!  The girls ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!  They were all smiles and giggles and soaking wet! They have since been standing at the back door whining to go out and play with it.  This will be so great this summer.

For the record, who would want a water table December 17th?


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Late breaking news!

Ella has takin two steps on her own!  That's it, no more, but oh how it made me smile!! :)

Some fun things happening here lately and a lot more to come too!!  I had a baby shower for our friends the Chaney's.  They will be welcoming a bundle of joy this July.  The majority vote at the shower was a boy.  We shall see....

Got to see our good friends the schultes and their kids!  Josie loved Rosetta and I did too, she was such a big helper!! Thanks!
Lily with her Cheezer face!!

And Grandma is in Iowa for some granddaughter time!  More to come on grandmas visit!!!