Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Trick or Treat 2017

We had few Trick or Treat events and a few costume changes as well.  Here is the run down of Trick or Treat events that happened this year.

Trunk or Treat at John Deere.  It was sooo windy and cold the hats/piglet mask didn't make it long--only for pictures.  Eli got SUPER excited when he realized he was getting candy!  He squealed, it was funny!
After, we went to the country club for their Halloween bash.  They had games and food and trunk or treat to follow.  I didn't get many pictures because the kids were running around like loons
Josie enjoying her self!
At school they could wear a costume and had a small party.  Josie still a witch and Ella now a ladybug (you can't see her wings)
Eli's daycare had a party as well and he went as Winnie the Pooh again.
I like that he is in the same building with me because I can see and participate in their special events like this.  
Then it was the real trick or treating!  We went over to a friends neighborhood, had dinner and went around there.  It was really really cold so we had to layer up.

Stinker Ella wouldn't let me get a good picture of her.  
And Eli's much warmer dog costume.  He's so cute, he could wear anything and pull it off!
It didn't take Eli long to figure out what do!  Look at his cute little tail!
Action shot-look at his glowing eyes bag :)

And here is their LOOT! I'd say they did pretty well and we will have candy until Christmas.  Josie picked out that GIANT sucker.  It SPINS and it's HUGE!  This will be messy and just the sucker will be around until Christmas!!  LOL!
And here is how my beer stein holding training is going!!  I am definitely going to win at next years Octoberfest!!!  HAHAHA!!!  

October Happenings

There seems to be something about October.  Lots of fun things to do even though the weather is getting colder.  Here are few of the things we have done in October this year.
We picked out and painted pumpkins, which is WAAAAY easier than carving them!!
Eli even got in on the painting.  He liked it and used the white and black paint and then I added finishing touches to it to make it a cat.
The neighbor boys even came down to help and they were dressed for the occasion!
I have been wanting to plant a tree in our back yard for a while and it finally happened.  We have had several trees in the back die.  I mostly want it for shade even though I'm sure we will not be living here when that finally happens.  But it is needed, so this Red Maple needs to grow baby grow! 
The kids were all about helping.  Eli was the most excited to get in and get dirty!  So what could have taken about 1/2 hour, with the kids "help" it took about an 1 hour! :)
October also means an annual trip to a pumpkin patch.  This year we went to Des Moines and went to one there with some friends.  It was soooo windy, but we managed to have a good time and do the typical things-corn maze, slides, corn box, games and tractor rides.

And what is October without FOOTBALL!!  Joey and I actually got a night away for an Ohio State football game in Nebraska!  It was great to get away together even if the game wasn't great.  Ohio State won 56-14.  We left shortly after half time cause we were winning by so much.  
While were there we found my friend Beth's parents who just happened to be in from Arizona to watch the game.  Totally unexpected but cool!  
And lets not forget this!!  I was a beer stein holding round 1 winner!  Here is an action shot.  Life goals, right here!  I won a Busch Light hat, a t-shirt and a free beer! :)
And of course there is always Trick or Treat...more to come on that! :)