Monday, April 16, 2018

Another tooth lost

We have another lost tooth in the house, Ella's first lost tooth.  She had really knocked her tooth loose the Saturday before Easter, when she was holding a pillow in her mouth and Eli pulled on the pillow.  It was really loose, but I told her that if she lost it that day, the Easter bunny and Tooth fairy probably wouldn't come because they would scare each other.  Well Tuesday, when she was home sick from school it finally came out.  She was very excited!!  But being sick was really taking the fun out of a lose tooth.  The tooth fairy came and she must have known that she was sick because she brought Jello to help her feel better, money and some hair bows.  I'd say she made out just fine!  And the next day she was feeling quite a bit better too! 


This little lady has always been my ornery one!  Well this past week she had an incident at school that required me to go to the classroom.  I had someone flag me out of a meeting at work because the school had been trying to get ahold of me and why I wasn't answering my phone.  I called the teacher back and she explained to me that Ella wasn't waking up from nap.  That she won't open her eyes when called, but that she is breathing.  She had tried to wake her up several times and now she was getting very concerned.  I flat out asked if she was faking and she stated she didn't think she was.  I said I would be coming.  So I had to leave the meeting and work to go to school and see what was going on with Ella.  When I got to the school, the principle was there waiting for me and Ella was still 'asleep' on the floor.  I called her name a few times and got no reaction so I did a sternal rub.  a sternal rub is when you take your knuckle and rub it HARD on their breastbone.  I got a reaction but she continued to keep her eyes closed.  I picked her up and told her to knock it off, but she remained with her eyes closed.  I ended up taking her out of the classroom and sitting her on a table and explaining to her I knew she faking.  She was now sitting on a table with her eyes closed.  I never got her to say anything but I took her had and drug her off the table and she finally opened her eyes and was giving a smile.  SHE IS SUCH A FAKER!!!  We did end up going home and she went immediately to her room and she was in room until dinner.  The neighbor boy came over and she was crying at the window cause she wanted to come out and play.  It killed her.  This was the biggest punishment that she has ever had in her life.  The next day she was required to apologize to the teacher for faking.  The incident now his kind of funny!  Ella being the trickster, ornery, jokester that she is.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter was a success this year complete with a spring concert with the girls' class, a visit to see the Easter bunny, Easter baskets and church. 
John Deere had a special night to get pictures with the bunny and do crafts and an egg hunt.  I took the girls there myself because Joey was home with the flu.  We missed him there with all the fun, but he was down for the count.  As you can see Eli, LOVED the Easter bunny. :) Later that evening, if I walked in the direction of the bunny (not close) he would flip out.  It was kinda funny!

At Eli's school, they had an egg hunt as well.  After the egg hunt at Deere, he knew exactly what to do.  But this time, he stopped to open each egg because he knew there would be treats in there.  Stinker.  This kid LOVES candy and cookies.  And of the few words he says, "canda and caca" are two he says.

And I was able to go down and watch the egg hunt since he right there with me.  I love that about having the daycare in the same building as me.

Before Grandma E left at Eli's birthday she bought all the kids a GIANT chocolate bunny.  Here is Ella eating some of her bunny.  It's as big as her head.

The girls had their spring concert at school.  They sang about 10-15 songs for us and then we went down for an egg hunt and had cookies and juice with them.  Always a special time for them, especially when dad can come.

This meme cracks me up!

Then the Easter bunny made a stop at our house.  This swing was in our living room with a sign that said "Happy Easter!  Jesus Christ is risen today!  Josie, Ella and Eli enjoy your swing, now go find all your Easter things."
The Easter bunny had hid eggs all around the house and all their Easter baskets

Eli had just found one of green eggs and was soooo happy!  Each kid had their own color

They were storing their eggs in the swing because they hadn't found their baskets yet.

Ella was the first to find her Easter basket. The EB went into their room that night and hid it in her closet.  Sneaky!  She was so happy she found it first this year!

Eli found his basket in the pantry.  He was so cute in his hat.

And then Josie found hers in the basement under the fish tank.  Her favorite thing was that lantern that each one got.  She is ready for camping now.

So handsome and ready for church

Eli checking out all the lanterns :)

Dad temporarily hung the swing because it was cloudy and 25 degrees outside.  :( The weather was a bummer this year, but soon it will get nice and we can hang that swing better.

And our Easter picture for 2018!
We sure are blessed and Easter, this year, just keeps proving that.  Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!