Sunday, August 31, 2014


I asked if I could do the newborn pictures for Chaney's and they said yes!  I am SURE they are wondering how I did, as this took two different times to do.  The first time I went out to their house the lighting was not right.  I adjusted all my settings and they were still dark.  Maybe if I was better I coulda made it work. The second time, Derick was like "No way am I ok with 2 photo shoots."  He wasn't the happiest the second time around.  But, I think we got a few (at least one) good picture!  ;)
  I even managed to learn a few things in the process.

John Deere boy


Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday August 25th

Here is what today looked like...

They ate their corn "on the cob"
They thought they were pretty special.

The girls' did their ice bucket challenge...
We didn't post this video to FB because we look like bad parents.  What you don't see is 5 seconds later Josie is smiling/laughing and eating the ice off the ground. 
And MOST IMPORTANTLY... Ella went peepee on the potty!!!! 
We have just been introducing the potty to them and setting them on it and today we "caught" Ella at the right time and she went pee pee on it.  We praised her so much and gave her an animal cracker (one went in the toilet) and I don't think she has a clue as to what happened...

Ohioans visit Iowa

Summer is over. :(  I started back to work on the 14th  (which is why this post is so late) and that meant that my parents from Ohio came out to help babysit.  They hadn't seen the girls since March so it was time.  My grandma also came with them. 

I didnt' get very many pictures, but here are a few.

Gigi and her girls

And then our first day of school 2014-2015
My summer went way to fast and I had pneumonia at the beginning of it.  I was not ready then and I am still not ready for this school year!

Sunday, August 17, 2014


I said there were more changes to come and here the are.  The first being the worst.
The infamous gold chair, with the rips, has been removed from the house.  So sad :(
 But don't worry, it didn't go to the dump to never get used again...
It went over to a friends garage.  It even has a buddy, Greenie.  Goldie will continue to be used for years to come!  I can even visit it!

And next, we FINALLY bought new bedroom furniture.  The old stuff worked fine, nothing broken, it was just small and a little bit out dated.  We decided it was time to buy bigger and here what we decided on..

Platform bed with drawers :)

The girls were VERY helpful in taking down the bed and making room for the new, as well as the installation of the new stuff.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

IA State Fair

The cow says "Moo," and the girls know this because we have been working on our animal sounds all summer with plans to go to the state fair.  We met the Blegen's there and I got to see Melissa's growing bump ;) and how much more Brody has grown.  We had few plans of things to do: animal barns, food, butter cow and a few rides for Brody. 

The Clan.
We had FANTASTIC weather for being August.  It was 78 and sunny, PERFECT.
Checking out the Greens

The butter cow. 
"Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa"
Yeah right.

They had a farm for the girls to farm on, the littlest farm.  They got aprons buckets and were sent of to work.

They had to plant their crops, pick their crops.

Pick eggs and tend to the animals.
Josie with all her food ready to go to the farmers market. 

Ella milking her cow. 
 After all the farming was done they took all their goods to the farmers market to sell.  They picked up their money and could go to the store and "buy" a treat.  The girls bought chocolate milk.
Enjoying their milk
It was pretty neat little farm experience for kids.
Petting a baby cow.

I said we had food on the list of things to do.  Obviously, Ella didn't mind that