Sunday, November 23, 2014

A glimpse of Christmas

Christmas 2014 is getting me excited.  Two Christmas' ago we were in the hospital, last year we had 2 one year olds so I didn't do much for Christmas in the way of decorations and their 1st birthday seemed to be a bigger priority for me.  Well, this year we are doing the tree and decorations and all things Christmas!  I find myself excited to see the girls' reactions to Santa, lights, music, decorations.  I'm enjoying them experiencing Christmas with out their focus being on presents and ME! 
We put up the Christmas tree this weekend, I know it's early and before Thanksgiving, but this working mom can't cram everything into the month of December :)   The girls were very interested and excited to "help" decorate the tree.  The first thing the saw in the decorations were the Christmas balls.

Dad showing how to hang the ornaments

Ella getting into the decorating

Lots of ornaments at the top of the tree :)

Last I put the tree skirt on and the girls wanted to help
HAHA!  Ella all the way under

They found the stockings and were putting them on their feet

These 2 were very "helpful" with the garland

Admiring our work
This is an ornament my mom got when I was little.  Push sugar bears belly and he plays Christmas music.  I was banking on this guy still working for the 25th year.  This would be the ornament the girls could touch and pull off the tree.  The ONE they could mess with.  I put him front and center and showed them how to play the music and IT WORKED!!!  Although, it is starting to sound funny, this may be his last year :(
Brings back memories from my childhood

And I put my Christmas village up
Ella checking it out
I put up all noise or light decorations, nothing fragile and sophisticated. 
The girls are loving all the things that make music, including the dancing santa.
They've been asking to dance with him!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I'm published!

This front page picture and another one on a seperate page are ones I took and they made it into the local paper. This really isn't about the picture though, but about my friend and her battle with breast cancer. What a wonderful article about MY FRIEND THE SUPER MOM!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

I thought we would lightly celebrate Halloween this year, but 2 trick or treats. a Halloween party at daycare. 8 pumpkins, 6 costumes (grandma's spoil them)  and loads of candy didn't make this any small Halloween celebration. 
The first celebration we had was at the country club.  They were doing a Halloween party event and we decided to go last minute because the temp was 77 degrees and beaustiful and Joey and I wanted to socialize.  So off we went and because the weather was so nice the girls were able to be the pirate and witch that grandma sent them.  They were cute!  I am not biased. 
At the party, there were games and prizes, obviously candy, pumpkin decorating and hay ride.  They had fun and slept great that night.
Ella wouldn't leave her witchs hat on.

On Friday the girls had their Halloween party at school.  The weather took a drastic turn that day and was so cold outside.  Good thing other grandma found these warm costumes for them.  The bunny and lamb were not sure what to think during the party because OHS students stopped by to see all the kids in their costumes so they were little overwhelmed, so no smiles here.

Josie was being shy and would actually fall to the floor because of all the people.  So silly

And Ella wouldn't look at anyone.  Look at her hand placement and head.  All turned away from everyone.  It was really kinda funny. 

Candy bags made at school.  So cute.

So then onto Friday night, we planned to go out trick or treating around our neighbor hood.  Ella was not wanting to get into her costume this time.  However, we crammed her in it and out we went.  She was NOT happy, crying real tears and everything.

The girls ride for trick or treating.

This was the second house that the girls went too.  Ella was over the crying by this time and both figured out what was going on and were grabbing the candy out of the bowl.  I think they would have grabbed stones and dirt out of a bowl though.
We were out only for about an hour.  The girls had a good time and enjoyed there time out trick or treating.  They cried when we went inside but enjoyed a little candy after wards.
Here they are with all their loot and art projects they did at school.   Nothing small or low key about this Halloween. 

Blegen Family

Melissa asked me if I would take some family pictures and a few of Brody when they came to town.  I agreed and we were trying to decide on a place and she said just something close because I want them to be quick, like only 15 mins. Yeah right Melissa! The pressure was on.  Here are the few I got on my time limit.  
Melissa is looking good with Blegen Boy #2 due in December and I can't wait to meet him.  I would really like to know a name until then!!!

Also, I post pictures to my blog not to show off my work.  I eventually delete pictures of my hard drive, so when I do that I still have a reference of my pictures here.  Fyi...

 Best Buds!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Crosby family

I had mentioned to Lacy that I would like to take the girls pictures sometime and she hit me up on this.  I have said that I just really shouldn't do kids photos anymore cause I am bad, but Makayla and Karter were AWESOME for pictures!  I think we got some good ones of Karter's "cheeeeeese" face and Makayla was such a great model.  Here is the Crosby family and their beautiful brown eyes!

sister love!

Little Karter's CHEEEESE face! :)
Check out Makayla's eye.  I noticed this during the shoot and thought that was pretty cool.  Her iris doesn't have the pigment in that area.  The doctors thought that would go away, but never did.