Monday, October 10, 2016

7 months (6 months)

Little man is 7 months old and I JUST CAN'T believe it!  He is NOT growing like a weed, as he has not even doubled his birth weight yet. Due to reschedules of doctors appointments his 6 month appoinment got moved all the way back to 7 months.
His official stats
Weight: 16 1/2 lbs (25-50%)
Length: 27inches (75%)
Head: 17 3/4 (75-90%)
Wearing 6 month-6/9 month clothes (for the length)
Size 3 diapers

Eli is the happiest baby! He smiles and plays and is so FUN!  I am thoroughly enjoying him at this age! He has started on solids, sitting and scooting. We have just started trying to give him finger foods and he is working on getting it into his mouth. He pretty much likes anything we have giving him so thats good. He's a good little eater, but a huge spitter upper! I'm talking wear a poncho if you hold him because he will spit up on you. He definitely has been diagnosed with reflux and he has been on the low side of weight gain, but he is gaining and oh so happy! :)

Eli is army crawling all over the place. He gets up on all fours but only goes about twice before falling on his belly. But that does not slow him down at all. He is on the move, and it is usually to get the cat food dishes or shoes. 
He has not adjusted to daycare very well as he only sleeps about 1 hour total for the day so we usually have to put him down when we get home :(  I am able to go down on my lunch break and nurse him so at least I get that time with him. I am hoping he catches on soon on how to sleep there. 

And he LOVES his sisters! He watches them and crawls to be where they are and the girls interact with him more now too! I usually catch Ella with him on the floor the most. Look how he looks up to Josie here! 
Time is flying with Eli! I wish I could freeze him at this age for a longer time. Before we know it he will be one! It is going so much faster than with the girls. I'm a little sad as time ticks away but I am also excited just to see how your personality grows! Keep smiling buddy!