Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Garage sale

I had been wanting to have a garage sale to get rid of stuff, but had been putting it off because I didn't want to go through all the work.  Well this past weekend was finally it.  The Shultzs are not having anymore children so it was time to get rid of all baby things.  I had a TON of baby girl clothes and other household stuff I had collected.  I actually had started setting up the weekend before to be sure I had enough time to get everything done.  Turns out I was super organized and was pretty much done on Saturday. Joey helped me move the bigger items to the garage on Sunday and then that was pretty much it.  Thru the week, I walked through our house to find more stuff to put in, like things hanging on the wall I wasn't into anymore. 

While setting out the baby clothes I was getting nostalgic and thought how cute all these clothes are and reminiscing about the girls, I thought maybe I DO want another baby!  Then Ella came out and did some obnoxious 3 year old thing and the thought of another baby fled!  Thank you Ella! :)

I am happy to report that all the bigger items were sold including that baby bouncer that Eli was not quite done with, and the couch!  We were pretty slow overall, but, I was by myself with all three kids, Ella with the stomach flu and trying to run a garage sale, woulda been very difficult if it was busy.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with all the rest of the stuff that didn't sell...

Friday, September 2, 2016


We had a big day about a week ago. The girls started preschool and to say they were excited is an understatement. They woke up at 6am asking if it was time to go to preschool. 

How great is it to start something new and have a familiar face with you. These 2 will always have each other when they start a new school or new school year so if there are any fears, their best friend will be with them! 

They were pretty excited to take their "pack-packs."  It's so funny to me how big they are on them. 

A few days later and this big girl is a pro. Walking in with such confidence, lunch in hand and all. 

The girls even made an older friend, a kindergartner named Stella.  They hang out in the cafeteria together before school starts. Stella's mom and dad work with Joey so we knew here before but now the girls have a buddy to hang with.  
The girls are really enjoying it so far. Josie has had show and tell already and Ella is ready for her turn. I'm excited to see how they will grow and learn this year. I also hope their excitement about school continues thru all the years ahead.