Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Firetruck ride

Joey and I won a prize at one the schools fundraising events.  And that prize was a ride on a firetruck.  We finally took advantage of this and I set it up that they would ride to school on the firetruck.  Talk about the excitement!  Eli was so excited!
They also agreed that they would drive by John Deere so Joey could see them.  
And when they arrived at school they did the lights, sirens and all.  All their friends were their to see it.  What a special little prize and hopefully a wonderful memory for the kids.  



September started out with Labor day weekend and we had a couple of visitors from Ohio.  Uncle Randy and Val came out to check out our new house and camp with us.  We were able to catch the Ohio State football game at the campground as well.
We made room for them in our camper, which meant Eli slept in a tent. 
He was all about sleeping in the tent and surprisingly he stayed in there every night with out any trouble.  He loved having ALL that tent to himself.
That next Tuesday after all the kids started piano lessons.  The girls were so done with violin and I was sick of fighting with them so I said they could quit violin if they tried piano. They agreed.  So far I think everyone is enjoying it.
She practicing! Photo proof!
We enjoyed some popcorn nights 
And swim started back up.  All 3 are doing swim again.
And both girls received their trophies from last season for most improved.  All smiles!  I agree that they improved a lot last swim season.  I hoping to see more improvement and more determination from them this year.  This is such a great sport to be able to age with.  You can swim, typically, with bad hips/knees and still get your exercise in.  I hope they will remember all their skills for the future.

And I was able to get a quick girls trip bike riding the trails in Des Moines.  The weather could have been better but we did not get wet.  Fun times with the girls! I like to be able to encorporate exercise in because all the bad food I eat, it cancels it out! ;)
And one of the lasts trips of the camping season we planned a kayak trip.  We camped along the Des Moines river and put our kayaks in above the campground and paddled to the campground.  The girls struggled a bit and were tired but we all made it.  Just as soon as we got back to the camper it's like the girls forgot about the tiredness and were ready to plan another one!

School Days~4th grade and 1st grade

The kids started the school year ready and excited!  We have a 1st grader ready to read and 4th graders that are ready to see all their classmates.  
We only have 2 years left with them all 3 at the same school!  I can hardly believe it!

The girls 3rd grade teacher thought so highly of this class she moved up with them and will teach them again this year.  She told us in her over 30 years of teaching she hasn't had a class like this one!  I think that speaks VOLUMES of this class.  And it's also wonderful to hear!
These girls, so grown!

We hope that you all apply yourselves and learn a ton...educationally, in your faith and in yourselves.  Hold on 2022-2023 school year, they are off!