Monday, March 31, 2014


I am one very hard person to offend, but it has happened. It's when people say "I don't want daycare raising my kids" that offends me!  First off, many people don't get the option to be a stay at home mother so saying that is rude!  Second of all, daycare is not raising the kids; last I checked I'm the one teaching morals and values and getting up in the night, etc. But if you think feeding them lunch and putting them down for a nap is raising them you should think twice about what it means to be a parent. Third of all, most mothers do what is best/needed for their family and have weighed their options many times over.  So please, please do not tell anyone the reason you are not working is because you don't want daycare raising your kids. How about saying stayin at home is what works best for our family.  Rant over!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Meeting grandpa

We traveled to Ohio over spring break to get some grandparent time in and while there the girls' visited  grandpa Shultz. 

Friday, March 21, 2014


Stepping toward success is a award given to students who have turned their life around and are "stepping toward success."  A teacher usually nominates a student that they feel have done just this. Weather, its attendance, positive attitude or improving grades, these students chose to do better. Now when the students are chosen they choose a staff member that have impacted them and it might not be the teacher that nominated them. I was selected as someone that has positively impacted a students life!!  Me?!!  What an honor!!  

The student who selected me is someone that I see daily but our paths cross in the daycare, not my nurses office. It's interesting to me how my own attitudes have changed seeing these teen moms in action everyday. I'm not encouraging, however, being around them and their babies gives me a view most people don't get. They are judged and judged hard yet this teen mom has to overcome many obstacles, having to walk to school w her baby even during winter and still shows up everyday is graduating this May. Glad I could be positive role model for her. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chef Angie

Yeah Right!!!  I am not much of a chef so that title is quite funny to me.  I get ALL of my cooking skills (which isn't many) from my mother.  She was not much of cook and she passed that on down to me.  However, now that I have a "family I have to cook for" I am trying to do a slight bit (not a lot) more in the kitchen so the girls have more than yogurt and mac n cheese for dinner.  So what has been happening lately is the crock pot is being used more and Sundays turn into cooking day for me.  I have been finding recipes that aren't too hard to prepare and I double it!  That's right, double it!  I then freeze one, so later I can pull it out later to use.  Plus we never eat all of the first one so we have left overs!  Left overs = Joeys favorite! 

This last Sunday, we had some potatoes going bad, so I decided I would make a cheesy potato soup.  It took forever, I didn't enjoy making it, I doubled it (hoping it freezes ok) and then hade to clean up after and finally get to taste it and I didn't like it.  Story of my life.  However, Joey liked it! 

             Ella my picky eater has her own preferences

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My tiny dancer

Little Ella has more dance skills right there than her father!!  :)
She's so cute!
On another note, I only made it 2.5weeks off Facebook.  I will limit myself and time I spend on it, but it is just easier to make plans and message people there. DAMN YOU FACEBOOK!!!  :)