Thursday, June 18, 2020

7 1/2 years!

The girls turned 7 1/2 years old! I have always celebrated their half birthday as their real birthday is so close to Christmas and it would just get thrown in with Christmas. This way I thought would be more special, but this is the first time I’m actually questioning this decision. The girls kept telling everyone it’s their birthday and I would correct them and say it’s your birthday party day, not your birthday! They did have some questions about why we celebrate then instead of Christmas and Josie said she wanted to celebrate on her birthday! I was happy to remind her it’s close to Christmas so she would get all presents for the year in 8 days and that her birthday would probably fall on a school night and most friends won’t come over cause they are celebrating Christmas with their extended families.  She just doesn’t want to wait for her presents! Well, it turns out with corona virus we didn’t do much anyway. No grandparents or family came. Our neighbor friends were able to come over and make it special with them!

I decided since we weren’t doing anything real exciting I would make each of them their own cake. I will NOT be doing that again anytime soon. Barbie soon became the problem. Anyway, 3 boxes of cake later they got what they wanted. They really did like them! And Ella even said “mom makes the best cakes” as I was working on them! :-)  Here they are! 

Earlier in the day we went swimming for the first time this year as the pool just opened from corona virus! And that filled up the day so the girls didn’t hound me all day to open presents!

We waited until dad got home from work to open presents.  We got them new luggage because they were outgrowing their Disney princess ones, a microscope and telescope and they also received some $$ to spend on our upcoming family vacation. And Ella got her BIg bike this year!  She did get the day before as we were going on a bike ride and I wanted her to take her new bike! I can’t believe they are half way to 8. It really is going so fast these days!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

End of "school" and summer break

Well, I wish I had some graduation pictures of Eli and last day of school vs first day of school comparison pictures but I don't.  But that doesn't mean the school year didn't end, cause it did.  The girls missed their last zoom meeting with their class and had picked up all their belongings the week before.  The end of year was uneventful, not exciting and the same ole stuff we had been doing.  
Campgrounds finally opened as they begin to open our state back up from the pandemic.  I was getting very stir crazy and ready to camp.  The first place we went to a smaller campground and didn't take our boat but did take our kayaks.  This was the first time in 8 years or more we have kayaked.  It was so FUN!!!  We could still socially distant on the lake and the kids loved it too.  We borrowed a childs kayak from a friend, but we are now the owners of it for good! We will definitly go kayaking again.
The kids have gone fishing with dad as well.  Josie and Eli both caught fish.

And it didn't take long to get our boat out.  We have been camping the last 3 weekends and just before this last one Eli said that "camping and boating are his favorite" as he asked us everynight how many days before we go again.  :) 
Ella walking so much more, enjoying the evening camping at the lake.

And the girls became super heros when at home.  Camping and boating is in full force.  Next up I am hoping the pool can open!  The weeks kinda drag waiting for weekends of camping and now we don't have camping trips planned for a while.  


Ella had her post-op visit May 11th, with the covid-19 pandemic still going on.  We didn't care we were READY to get those casts off.  All staff and patients/visitors were required to wear masks so that is why they are wearing the face sheild.
Ella getting her casts sawed off.  She was not nervous nor in pain during this. 
Here are her buttons that anchored her tendon into the new position.  She also had very dry flaky skin from being with the casts on for so long.
And here are the 2 incisions on her feet.  One on the top and one on the inner aspect of the foot.
Her doctor is removing the buttons as the tendon has healed and anchored itself.  This wasn't painful either
After the buttons were removed.  Look at her skin.  Yuck!
This appointment was pretty quick and not painful which was awesome.  I was bit concerned Ella would have more pain.  Her activity was as tolerated and no restrictions.  She could get up and walk that day if she wanted.  PT was to start in 2 weeks after her casts were removed. 
After we got home Ella took a bath, were her feet out of the water.  She was not supposed to submerge her feet for 24 hours so her button holes could heal.  And her feet were very sensitive so she didn't want them in anyway.  She took a LOOOOOOONG bath this day.  She was happy to get those darn casts off however not ready to start walking.  The very next day she started to stand on her feet.  Then progressed to trying to walk.  She got a major spasm in her feet and leg that was very painful and that haulted her wanting to walk for a few days.  She really wasn't even able to crawl much because her legs/knees/feet were no longer protected by the casts so this post-op period turned out to be the worst as she really was not mobile at all.
Eventually, she tried walking again and we decided she needed a walker.  So we picked one up and that did help quite a bit, although she didn't really want to use it.  It was slow progression in the walking the next few weeks, but we still continued on doing our thing.  We went camping and took our John Deere tractor for her and that is mostly how she got around.  She was able to walk very short distances.  She was such a trooper during all this  but the BEST therapy is PLAY for kids so that basically what she was doing.  Here she is camping using a walking stick to help her get around.  I would describe her walking at this point like she was walking barefoot on rocks.  Slow and not fluid.  
One of camping outings we went kayaking.  This was the PERFECT activity for her to do.  No legs and all upper body.  She super LOVED it and so did we!  We were able to find her an awesome activity that we didn't need to carry or be right next to her during.
2 weeks after casts came off she started therapy.  They are doing great with her and Ella is doing great!  She has made LEAPS and BOUNDS since we have started.  She is walking full time now.  We have returned her walker and she is doing great.  She is far from normal in strength and range of motion, but at this rate, it won't be long.  She is doing stretches everyday and she goes to therapy twice a week for right now.  PT will change down to 1 day/week soon.  Her last PT session, she hopped on one foot for a bit and even ran.  
Ella, we are soooo proud of how hard you have worked and continue to work.  You have been such a trooper through all of this.  You will be back to normal very soon with your hard work and determination.  We love you so much and hate you had to go through this but now you almost done with journey and we have learned so much about your strong, resillient personality.  Keep on rockin it sis!!