Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 7th Anniversary!!
I can't believe its been 7 years already, but I can't wait for 7 more! 
You are a wonderful husband and a great dad!  This last year especially, has been amazing and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.  I love you more than the day I married you.  You are my partner in crime and my best friend.  Happy Anniversary!!!

Now please put your clean clothes away!! ;)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Poor Ella

Miss Ella had her first set of casts put on and what a rough week she had.  She was miserable not being able to move her legs.  She didn't sleep good at all on Monday night, thank goodness Grandma took care of her during the night, I had to work the next day.  She cried a lot, so much that she lost her voice.  Poor girl :(  On Thursday, though she had an episode of just screaming crying while I was at work.  Grandma did her best to soothe her, it took about 25 minutes.  By the time I got home everything was fine, until 12:30am.  She woke up from a dead sleep to another screaming crying fit.  I didn't know what to do for her, I felt so bad, but I knew we had another appointment in IC that next day.  When we got to her appt. they had to soak her in a tub to soften the casts and then cut them off her.  When cutting of her right cast down by her foot she SCREAMED and CRIED!!!  It was very clear this was the source of her pain earlier.  It was absolutely AWFUL to watch Ella go thru this pain.  She was beat red, crying real tears and screaming.  I had enough sense to let them continue because I knew she needed that cast off.  I had tears in my eyes while watching her writhe in pain.  Needless to say when they got the cast off her foot was swollen, red and warm. 

That spot on the top of her foot turned into a HUGE blister that later opened up.

Because of the swelling and blister the doctor did not want to recast her that day.  So we needed to reschedule a time to recast her.  But due to conflicting schedules, we could only make an appointment for May 6th.  So we now go another month before she gets her next casts on.  Hopefully next time this won't happen.  I felt so bad for Miss Ella.  She got all the lovin from mom that week!!

3 Months, almost 4

Josie and Ella are three months and pictures were in order.  I will love seeing how the girls have changed in a year.  Here are a few of the photos we got of the girls and their baby blues!

 All smiles



 Miss Ella bright eyed


Monday, April 1, 2013

Ella's feet

If you don't already know, Ella was born with bilateral club feet, and today we started the treatment process for her.  Here are just a few facts about clubfoot, in case you are interested, it may answer a few questions.
  • Clubfoot has been recognized since the time of the ancient Egyptians, and the condition was independently described by Hippocrates and the Aztecs.
  • Despite knowing about the condition for many centuries, it is still considered idiopathic, which means that its cause is unknown. (The likely factors that contribute to its development are discussed in 'Causes of Clubfoot.')
  • The incidence of the condition varies with race, sex, and family history.
  • Boys are twice as likely to get the disease as girls.
  • The incidence among Caucasians is around 1 per 1,000 live births.
  •  The incidence for children who have a sibling with clubfoot is approximately 3 percent.
  • The incidence for children who have one parent who had clubfoot is 3 to 4 percent; if both parents had it, the incidence is 15 percent.
  • Children born with clubfoot have a higher-than-normal incidence (around 14 percent) of other genetic conditions, including Edwards Syndrome, Larsen's Syndrome, spina bifida, neural tube defects, and congenital heart defects.
  • Approximately 40 percent of children with clubfoot will have the abnormality in both feet.
  • Clubfoot is generally completely painless.

     Ella waiting to get her casts put on
    Treatment is being done at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA.  Out of all things to go to U of I for it's club feet.  Dr. Ponseti worked at the U and developed what is now the national "standard, accepted" treatment for club foot.  It is called the Ponseti method, which is a series of castings to manipulate the foot back into placement.  He is VERY well known and the clinic at the U is called the Ponseti club foot clinic.  Prior to his development of his method the treatment was usually surgery and breaking the foot, often quite painful at the time of surgery and then arthritis after.

    Ella's doctor is Dr. Macuende, who actually worked side by side with Dr. Ponseti until he died.  So of all the places to go for this, University of Iowa is it!  Her doctor is trained first hand by the doctor that developed this method of treatment.  I feel very good knowing she is getting treatment at this place.

     A display of the series of castings Ella will get

             Ella's feet before the first casts                                         The bottom of her foot 


    Dr. Macuende casting Ella.  Those are other doctors from other countries that are learning the Ponseti method to use in their country.
    I was to feed Ella a bottle during casting as a way to "distract" her.  This was not painful to her, just annoying.

    Dr. Macuende making sure the foot is aligned properly before cast dry
    Ella after both legs casted. 
    Each time she gets a new cast they will turn the foot more and more to the proper alignment.  She gets another cast this Friday, already.  Each cast will be on for 5-7days and then changed until proper alignment is reached.  Her doctor thinks she will need 7 casts.  She may also need to have her Achilles tendon cut/stretched as well.  That procedure will be done in office under local anesthesic.  After ALL of the castings she will need to wear special shoes with braces so her feet don't turn back inward.  The shoes will be worn for 23 hours a day, until she can bear weight, then only at night until she is 3.
    So in the next couple months I will have several trips to Iowa City, tricky diaper changes and plaster flaking off all over my house!! :-)
    my poor baby girl!!