Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ella~3 years old

Ella at 3 yeas old is still my little peanut. Don't let her size fool you, though. She is the most ornery kid. She knows exactly how to push Josie buttons and does quite frequently.  She is quieter but she knows exactly what is going on.  Ella seems to be more of my animal lover, any animal, it doesn't matter. She too, is very into her baby dolls but doesn't show very much interest in the new edition coming in March.  You are also pretty outgoing and love to see friends. Ella is very good about ignoring instruction and getting out of picking up toys.  Although you don't eat as much at Josie, I would say you are good eater and eat a good variety of foods. She is not potty trained, we are working on it.  This experience really shows your head strong personality.  You are still wearing size 2T and wear all the clothes from last year.  Your "unofficial stats are 27.5lbs and 33 1/2 inches.  You still need to wear your boots at nap and night, although you are starting to fight us when we have to put them on and you have started to figure out how to unbuckle them. :/  You have also got your dad wrapped around your finger. You cry at night or if you wake up in the night and call for "my daddy" in the saddest cry out. I've mentioned to dad what a pushover he is ;). Ella we love you so much and can't wait to see what life holds for you.  You seem to struggle just a bit more but you always get it and always know we got your back in everything you do! 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Josie~3 years old

Josie at 3

You are mommy's big helper.  Everyday "I want to help" comes out of your mouth, even your teachers tell me what a big helper you are. You are so lovable and sensitive. These two qualities also make you the most interested in the soon to be new edition to the family. I just know that you will be mommy's big helper for your little brother.  Right now the kindness you show reminds me of your dad.  You are more of the leader although sometimes you shy away from trying new things.  You have an interest in everything, although playing with your babies seems to be top on the list. You are what I would call my social butterfly, you are really starting to like/make friends. You always talk about what a big girl you are. You are potty trained and wear size 3t clothes. The "unofficial" stats were 33lbs and 37 inches tall.  You are also my kid that loves to eat. You eat everything and eat 2nds, daycare wonders where you put all food you eat.  You are also working on dropping a nap :( and mommy is not ready for that yet.  We can't wait to see where all your interests take you in life and enjoy watching you continue to figure out this world. Josie Marie, you are so loved and hope you know this every step throughout your life! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

We're 3!

These 2 are 3!!  Sometimes I can't believe it and then when I really stop and think about the past 3 years, I do believe it!  But looking at the changes over the last 3 years is unbelievable. Just look at them!
(In the NICU, 1,2 and 3 years old) 

At 3, you girls play very well together and really love each other. I ask who their best friend is and the response is each other.  It's really cute!
Best friends!
Don't let those cute smiles fool you though, they can fight and torment each other REALLY good.

For their birthday we took cupcakes into school. Josie wanted chocolate and so did Ella, until I was on the phone ordering. Ella then changed her mind last minute and wanted orange.

After school we came home and opened a few gifts.  The girls have lots of people that love them!  They are lucky girls.

Grandma S bought the girls roller skates and they loved them. They are that much closer to hockey skates! :)
Playing with all their new toys
Happy happy birthday girls!  We love you so much. You have changed so much in 3 years, but you know what? So have your dad and I.....all because of you!

Sunday, December 13, 2015


I decided on this rainy December afternoon we needed to make some easy-peasy toddler friendly Christmas treats.  Here was our afternoon of "baking" with the girls.
So intense and full of concentration 

Careful placement of the chocolate

All smiles 

A little taste of our creations

Chocolate face

Lots of goodies!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December happenings so far

Some lucky person on my Christmas list will get this, a pickle. Is it you??!!
St. Nick came to visit and left a special present in the girls shoes. More like wearing their shoes. Josie was first to notice again, from the top of the stairs and was asking "what's that?!"  
They've been cuddling with their bears ever since. 
Daycare had a local photographer come in and take "school" pictures and it just happened to be around their 3rd birthday so I ordered a few. It didn't turn out too bad since I had gotten wind that Josie wasn't super cooperative. 
And finally this. Miss Ella woke up last Saturday and said she wanted to wear big girl undies. I was ok with it but really just wanted to wait until all our Christmas travels were over. She said she wanted to wear them Sunday as well and she did. It didn't go well and we several accidents but I wasn't  pushing anything because again, I wanted to wait. Then Monday rolls around and we have to go to school/work and I try to put a diaper on her and she argues. After several minutes of going back and forth I decided that if she wants to wear big girl undies then I better let her. She is actually doing really well at going #1, but has yet to go #2 on the potty. I am hoping she gets that part really soon so we can have smooth sailing after that. 
My big girl! 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Ok!  Here is the run down of our Thanksgiving.
Half day work for both of us on Wednesday
Girls traveled GREAT!
Thursday-Joey's family Thanksgiving-lots of delicious food and catching up with family
The girls loved their cousin Sophia and I just cannot get over that Trevor (nephew) is a Senior
A very little bit of shopping Thanksgiving night after girls were in bed and late Friday morning
Saturday was my family Thanksgiving with lots of family.  28 people to be exact.
Sunday-nice relaxing day in Ohio and then the drive home to Iowa on Monday
Girls traveled great again and playlands at McD's are awesome.

We took lots of photos and here they are.

The entire group minus me (I took the picture)
Unfortunately, I guess I will have to cheer for Purdue next year.  My cousin, tall one in the center of back row will be playing football for them next year.  Lexie aren't you excited for me to cheer for your team now!

My brothers family and Gigi. I hadn't seen little Lexie since she was 2weeks old.  What an absolute cutie! She smiles all the time. Josie thought she was big stuff when she got to hold her, Ella didn't really care--a glimpse of when brother comes?!

Gigi and her great-granddaughters
Shultz family with Gigi
All grandparents with granddaughters
And my entire family
And cousin Annabelle.  The girls ADORED her and LOVED playing with her!
I loved meeting her for the first time too!  Glad her mom was off work this year! :)