Monday, January 16, 2023

Happy 50th Anniversary

My parents were able to celebrate their 50th anniversary.  Their actual anniversary is January 13th, but we were in Ohio 2 weeks before the big date.  So I threw a little party for them 2 weeks to the date before.  
My dad is all smiles about this celebration as you can see below ;)
I think we had a decent turn out with it being right after Christmas.  It's a hard time of year and it was raining. All went smooth and was an enjoyable time.  

Congratulations Mom and Dad! 

The announcement that was in the local newspaper

All the grandkids

Christmas Part 2

St. Nick brought all the kids ginger bread houses and they had a contest who's is the best.  I chose Josie's.  The thought out pattern, the neatness, the OCD of it's almost like I did it! ;)  The others were good but there can only be one winner! Lol
Immediately after putting them together they asked if they could eat them.
Christmas eve is mass, dinner, checking out the nights n lights and the kids begging us to open a present.  At Christmas mass we were asked to carry baby Jesus up and place him in the manger.  Eli was the one who carried him and meanwhile Ella was a nervous wreck about walking up to the alter during the processional.  
And Christmas eve's high temp for the day was -1 so we were not doing tights and dresses.  That is too cold for me!
The excitement in the kids that evening is sure something. 
Santa arrived what seems like a time of night I don't approve of.
The next morning Josie and Ella were up about 6am and Eli chose this morning of all mornings to sleep in until almost 7:30.  It was killing his sisters to wait!
And the gift opening commences.  I am still able to get them to do one gift at a time which I can't believe.  It's so much better that way and slows them down a bit. :)

Eli with all his presents.  He was spoiled with a new camping chair, 2 big Lego sets and Roblox figures.

Mom and Dad got Josie a kayak.  We needed another and I didn't want to get another kids one.  She also got new shoes, suit and soccer ball.  She was all smiles!
Ella also got a soccer ball and a new swim suit as well as a new camera that is like a Polaroid.  She was super excited about her camera! 
And I got a new unicycle!  
Yes that is correct.  I am pretty sure Joey is trying to get rid of me!
Isn't she a Beaut! :)
After our Christmas, we packed up and headed to Ohio the next day.  Cousin Lexie made it and she stayed in a hotel so swimming was a must.  Ella in her new suit and all.  Turns out the water isn't heated so they did not last long. But they did still all play together.
And Christmas with the Shultzs' always end with them getting WAY to much!  And more cousin time!
Once we got back home, I asked Joey if liked Christmas better as a kid or better as a parent, he said "Definitely as a parent!" and I agreed with him.  
Although I am sad that the girls no longer believe in Santa, it was still fun. We didn't talk about the Santa thing until after, but they were still just as excited and all of it so I do think with Eli we still have some good years for all to be excited and fun to watch on Christmas day.

All things Christmas part 1

 Well as per tradition we put our Christmas decorations up the weekend before Thanksgiving.  I was so excited to decorate in the new house.  The biggest decision was if I should put up 2 trees, one upstairs and one downstairs.  That answer was a YES!  At the old house the tree was up in the basement as we just didn't have much room upstairs.  So this was super exciting to have room for 2 trees!
I took a class and made this winter arrangement  in the class.  It went right along with my excitement to decorate.  It is on the front porch and I feel like it turned out really well.  It was fun to do. too.
And all things Christmas we had a piano recital.  They practiced all their songs and did great!  We have only had 3 months of lessons so the songs were not to complicated but they didn't seem to nervous.
Ella in the Christmas spirit and made a cheesemas tree.  Garlic cheese stuffed balls..YUM!
And then we had a school Christmas program too.  
Eli being Eli in front of our downstairs tree
School concert is always fun to watch and Eli still gets into it.  This year he kept licking his lips so much I couldn't help but laugh!
Singing his heart out
And lets not forget our visit with Santa!  The girls were not too into it, but after Christmas and a small conversation with Josie she no longer believes in Santa.  I could tell by the way they acted this year and it's so heartbreaking for me.  I told her she can't say anything to Eli or others and ruin their fun and she understood. So I will cherish the few years we have left with Eli.   
Christmas is always such a busy time and this year was not any different.  But all the things continue to be fun.

Double Digits

The girls are 10!  1-0!  Double digits, never to return.  I can't believe how big they are.  No longer littles and just on the cusp of Tweens (help me).  We did not do too much for their birthday as usual, but they did get a few gifts in the mail and treats to school

Give me 10 cause we're 10!
I always like to describe the girls in these posts, but this year I will use the girls own words to describe themselves.  At school they were writing a letter to Santa as to why they should be hired to help him. Like a resume!
Josie in her words:  I am applying for cleanup crew.  I have many qualities that would help me in this position such as being organized and a hard worker.  These qualities will help me quickly get the job done on time and do well cleaning up.  I have experience in cleaning my room and house.  

In my words, I couldn't agree more.  Josie is the organizer and the take charge.  She knows how she wants stuff .  She is independent, trustworthy and mature.  
Josie, you will do great things!
Ella in her own words:  I am applying for the job of lookout crew.  I have experience in staying home alone with my 6 yo brother.  I have many qualities that would help me in this position such as, I am quiet, sneaky, a good watcher and kind.  These qualities will help me spy and people would not hear me when I move.  

Ella in my words:  I also agree with her words of herself.  She is sensitive, trustworthy and kind.  She is creative and likes to do art stuff.  
Ella, keep being you and don't change for anyone!
A decade old!  I just really can't believe it.  The days are long, but the years are fast.  I have to agree with that saying as you turn 10 this year!

Sunday, January 8, 2023


Thanksgiving, giving thanks for all of our wonderful blessings...
We made it back to Ohio for Great Grandma, grandma and grandpa and cousin time.

And for seeing friends time..
And friends kids hanging out! :)
Loved seeing my BFF!  We don't see each other near enough!


Making and Baking

Our house is not really complete if we don't have home made soft pretzels often.  Joey has pretty much mastered the soft pretzel making which is lucky for me!  Now he is trying to pass it along.  Eli and his friend Lucas were more than willing to help.
I was asked to make a cake for my friend Ellen and here is the final product.
I was honored to make Will's birthday cake again! How is he 5?!
I have been super excited about decorating my new house. I have 2 places that I want to put seasonal stuff out, my mantel and the little ledge on the shelf.  But because I am cheap I wait until end of season and get it clearanced.  I had this up for about 2 weeks and then went right into Christmas.
I went to a little class to make a winter greenery plant.  I enjoyed making this and actually learned something as well.  Always nice to try some thing new and do it with friends!
It is now on our very small front porch!  I do miss our old front porch where I would have a lot of room to decorate.
I can't tell you how pumped I was to decorate for Christmas this year!  More to come on my Christmas post.


The Small Things

We continue with swim and swim meets.  The girls jumped up an age group and finding the challenge of needing faster times and longer distances to swim.  Eli, well he is not drowning so that is a WIN!
This year Josie was adamant she was doing soccer.  She loves soccer and plays it everyday at school.  Swim season is Sept-Feb and soccer season in only 6 weeks, so I decided to sign them up, back off of swim during that time and then when soccer was over, increase swim time again. I am adamant that stay moving and not sit on tablets.  
I enjoyed watching the girls play. By the end Josie was more aggressive than I had ever seen her and Ella had really come out of her shell and improved a lot.  They really did enjoy the season and I enjoyed watching them.  
Lots of friends on the team is a bonus!
School pictures were a success again this year!  I am holding my breath for those that are not good...
Eli 1st grade
Ella 4th grade
Josie 4th grade
The small things..Eli's perfect burger.  
He piled all of his sides on it and still added his regular burger toppings to it.  It was too big for his mouth!  LOL!
Twinning is winning! 
Josie found another twin, Ellie!
Some may say mid life crisis when I got my nose pierced.  I don't.  Is it a crisis if you have already done something in the past and re-do it?!
The first snow in November at our new house and the view is so pretty!  We were not lucky enough to get a snow day.