Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Here are few videos of Eli being Eli! 

Learning all his nursery rhymes from school :)

This morning we were on our way to school and he was singing "Rain, Rain go Away" But by the time I thought about taking a video he was singing Rain Rain Rain.  But it's still cute.  Wish I woulda caught "little boy wants to play"

And a video of one our famous dance parties and he is cutting a rug!

I'm not sure why he doesn't have pants on, but here he is singing to me.  He is asking me what I am doing because I am obviously taking a video, but I didn't want him to stop! :)

Mother’s day

My girls really spoiled me this mothers day.  They made cards at school and had them in their folders wrapped in another paper that said "Josie's eyes only!  Don't read."  It was super cute.  Then they had hid their gifts for me which was a flower they planted at school.  Here is Ella's special note to me!
Josie wanted to make breakfast for mothers day and here it is.  If you can't tell, its peanut butter and banana toast.  
Eli loved mothers day brunch because he got chocolate dessert.  :)
My kiddos and me at mothers day brunch.
It was a good mothers day and very busy weekend but it still managed to be a special day.

Race for the cure

Race for the cure 2019 didn't disappoint.  This is the local race that we always do.  This year I signed the girls up to do the mile fun run before the 5k.  They stated that they didn't want to do it, but they did and were pretty excited the morning of.  After the mile race Joey pushed all the 3 kids in a double stroller and walked the 5K, I ran it and PR'd!
It was a rainy chilly morning but that didn't stop us.  Here are the girls at the start of the race.  Right in front of them are our friends Angie and Derrick Chaney (age 4) running the mile too.

Eli tried running with us but he couldn't keep up :(  He was getting pretty upset as we ran ahead of him, but Joey was walking not far behind and picked him.  Ella ended up falling behind about half way thru and stuck with dad the rest of it.  When they crossed the finish line, Eli said he was mad at me for not waiting.

Josie PR'd her mile!  I am so proud of her!

And Ella PR'd her mile as well.  I am SOO proud of her.  She is tiny but mighty!  During the 5k Joey said that Ella ran about 2 miles of it.  You go girls!!! 

Dance recital

The girls had their dance recital mothers day weekend.  They did 2 performances in ballet (video of dress rehearsal below) and boy did they enjoy getting to use their makeup.  They are in a ballet and tap dance class but they switch every other year on what they do, so this year ballet and next year will be tap, if they dance again.

Ella all dolled up and looking so pretty!

The song they danced to was leaving on a jet plane

The girls waiting to go on stage

Josie performing (2nd on in)

I think the highlight of the recital for both girls was the make-up.  they couldn't wait to put it on!
When asked if they want to do dance next year they both say no, but that is after a long year of dancing and recital week.  We will see what they say next fall.
Here is the dress rehearsal performance


Thursday, May 9, 2019

Dinner Theater

A letter came home from school asking if any kindergarteners wanted to be in the school dinner theater. Josie said " I want to be in the play" and Ella said no.  Play practice for Josie was usually after school but she was still able to catch the bus so it really wasn't much hassle for me.  Well, until play week, than we had more, longer practices. 
The play was Villains Got Talent.  A spin off of America's Got Talent the TV show.  Josie is what I would call.....an extra.  She didn't have any speaking lines as she was a puppy, but she was very excited to perform for us.  I told her to "break a leg" and explained that saying because she thought I was being very mean.  :)
 Here is Josie in her costume ready to go!

Lined up with her group waiting for their part.  She looks kind of nervous, but she says she wasn't.
Ella really enjoyed watching the play.  She was watching it like this.  She was so into it!!!

Here is the video of Josie and other puppies performance.  She said she can't wait to do another play.  Maybe next play she can have a line or two!