Thursday, January 22, 2015

3 Day Potty Training

I would first like to state at the beginning of this post that, hind sight is 20/20 and this is going to be a long post.

Here is our potty training experience (so far).

Readiness:  The girls have shown some interest/signs to potty train,  Ella lets us know when she has pooped.  Josie has peed on the floor and said "peepee" while at Grandma's, they know what the potty is and follow me to the bathroom when I go, etc.  With these signs, I thought we could give it a whirl.  I had asked our doctor if I was crazy to start potty training them this early and she stated "No.  We recommend 2-2.5 for girls."  She did mention they were preemie and that could delay them, but encouraged me to try and if goes terrible to just try again in a few months.

Pre-Training:  We had introduced the potty to the girls around 18months old.  We sat them on it usually before bath and other random times.  They learned "peepee" and "poops" are words for what we do on the potty.  We read books.  We "caught" Ella on the potty a few times and praised her big.  We talked about how big girls use the potty and Grandma S. even bought them "big girl undies" at Christmas.  We had let them try them on right after Christmas and they LOVED them. 

The Training Program:  My good friend/fellow mommy, potty trained her son using this program and spoke highly of it and gave me a good gist of the program.  I thought it sounded like something we could do and ordered the book.  Joey and I both read it so we were on the same page.  The very shortened version is you put the kids in underwear and tshirt for 3days, don't leave the kids side and say "tell me when you have to go potty (about 300x/day)."  Then you need to "catch" them when they pee and get them to the potty so they finish and then the connection should be made.  Lots of praise and lots of accidents are all to be expected.  This program tackles night and day time PT and makes you throw all diapers away and does not encourage pull-ups.  So from day 1 your kid is underwear only from this point on.  It is recommended for children 22-28 months and the girls are 25, right in the middle.

Organization:  I had planned our time to do this for a three day weekend.  We reviewed the materials, made sure we had enough undies and I went through to see how many sheets and mattress pad covers we had.  I wanted to do this while we were stuck inside because of the cold and not miss anything when it is nice outside come spring.  I really thought Josie was ready and was a little on the fence about Ella, but maybe she would follow her sisters lead.   We would use fruit snacks as a reward because Josie is always asking for them, but never gets them ;)

Day 1- aka HELL
We wake up, throw all the diapers away with the girls and tell them they are big girls and they get to wear big girl undies now.  We both have very positive attitudes.

We went into the bathroom and explained peepee and poops now all go in the potty and they need to tell us when they need to go potty.  Pushed fluids early on to get things moving.  Josie was the first to have an accident and she even stated "peepee" when she did it and I thought this should be easy if she knew she peepee'd.  WRONG!  I was actually going to tally up the accidents each one had and compare to days come, too many to even tally and I lost count.  Well the day quickly became a BLUR of so so many accidents and the phrase "tell me when you have to go potty" and the racing to the potty.  At some point Ella stuck the potty seat on her head and it got stuck and we had to butter her head to get it off.  Of course, J had to go right at that time.  It was starting to get old by lunch time.

Then, Josie didn't nap and to make things worse was screaming bloody murder.  Joey and I did not have any downtime to do anything.  It was horribly intense.  About 5pm-ish, after Ella had dribbled about 20x in an hour and me taking her to the bathroom those 20x to not pee and then 30 seconds after leaving the potty, empty her bladder in the living room,  I stated to Joey, "this is for the birds."  When we take one girl to bathroom, the other follows.  The second kid is usually not helpful and tries to pull the toilet paper, or wipes, gets in the way and just adds to the frustration.  I'm trying to praise one kid and then I'm yelling at the other to stop getting into stuff and leave us alone.  I had to start to shut the door on them to leave us alone.  But my stubborn self, dug my heels in and said we've made it this far just keep going.  Night time came and no diapers were to be used at night so we put them to bed and by morning we had 6 accidents to clean up between the two of them.  I had trouble getting back to sleep after each one.  This was worse then infant twins....  Praise the lord day 1 was over.

Day 2- Sleep deprived hell
Josie woke up from an accident at 6am and was up for the day.  She remained in undies and a t-shirt and we kept on her, to tell us when she needs to go potty.  Joey and I were so tired we had pizza for lunch and supper.  A blur of accidents but also some successes.  Josie had pooped and peepee'd on the potty quite a lot, you could tell she was getting it.  She napped and stayed dry, Ella did not stay dry. Both kept saying they needed to use the potty to extend not taking a nap.   Ella pooped in her undies and had many accidents, but she had some successes.  We were over this potty training thing but knew we had seen some improvement.  Joey was losing his cool, which never happens and when he does, its not good.  Night time, Ella wet the bed 3x again and Josie 2x.  Exhaustion, Frustration and doubt weather we should have done this are very high at this point.  Swear words were flying (not at the girls AT ALL) and I sent a text to my friend that I was going to shoot myself and then I wanted her to shoot me too, just to make sure.

Day 3-aka "Eff this BS"
Joey and I are at our wits end.  We are OVER this potty training thing.  We are soooooo tired and frustrated.  The three girls in the house all end up crying this day. Josie begins her day at 5am after an accident and won't go back to sleep. She's a hot mess all day long because she is tired.  My patience are gone from lack of sleep and I'm not dealing with things well.  The 50 bazillion FALSE ALARMS are about enough to make me snap and then Ella poops in her underwear.  If there is no improvement I say I am going back to diapers.  Why am I doing this????   I do reflect and realize I am trusting Josie a bit more today though.  Nap time rolls around and Josie is refusing to nap.  She is screaming her head off and is so worked up. I can't handle this.  I need her to nap!!!!  I try to rock her only to put her down in her crib and she wakes up screaming immediately.  I even tried benedryl :(  At one point, I totally lose my cool and eventually have to put her down and walk out.  I gather my "cool" again get Josie and she doesn't take a nap and I apologize to her.  

We did have some fun mixed in there!
Ella was woke up from her sister so she doesn't nap either. By 3:30p, I say we need to leave the house, not for the girls, but for our sanity.  We head to the mall so the girls can ride the small little rides inside.  Not sure how it is going to go, but realizing we NEED this, we leave.  Much to our surprise, we had no accidents and both told us they had to potty, and went, in public.  Then I decided I was breaking the program rules, I was over the whole night time thing and put a pull up on them both.  I was going to sleep and I had to go to work the next day.  I will work on night time training later during the summer.  Call me a quitter fine.  Josie still cried at bedtime.  She stripped naked, said potty a thousand times and cried for 45 minutes.  I was done.  Done with everything.  She was going to cry herself to sleep and I was going to into the basement.  Joey saved the day and she finally went to bed.  

Daycare and rest of week:  Everyone was wondering how it went and I said this program is awful and would not recommend it for twins.  The girls were in undies though, and told Liz when they needed to go potty.  They didn't have a single accident.  Joey came home from work on Tuesday and had some cold sores and he thought they were from the stress of the weekend. Here we are in to the next week and ella has pooped in her undies everyday except Monday and have had just a few accidents with both.  I would say it's  mostly a success as we still have some learning/tweaking to do, but I'm afraid it's too early to call it a success.  I will tackle night time training later, like maybe summer when I am off work.  I am also quickly realizing how much more work this is.  There is more laundry, more trips to that bathroom which they need help with and now I have to got back to taking a diaper bag. I may have said at one point this week that I want to put them back in diapers because it will be easier (only kinda joking ;)  To end on this post I would like to say I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

National champions

The Ohio State University are the national champs.  What a great game!  We had a few people over to watch the game (not any real fans of OSU).  It was pretty low key for a Monday, but I was exhausted the next day.

We had our gear on all day!

We had a few snacks that even the littlest fans enjoyed

The girls got balloons for giving up their "ummies" and what do you know? They got OSU colors ;)
O-H! Baby!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


The girls used pacifiers, or as they call them, "ummy."  They stayed in their cribs and only used them at nap and at nighttime.  When they turned 2 they went to the big kid side of daycare and they never gave them their "ummy" when they moved over so they weren't having them at nap time at daycare.  With that, I thought they really didn't need them at home either, but we wanted to get through our traveling and then we would just take them away and it really wouldn't be a big deal for them.  So this week we cut the tips off and told them they were broken.  I figured there would be some crying for a day or two, turns out there was more.  Monday night Ella cried for about 1/2-45mins and eventually fell asleep.  The next night, Josie cried just the same amount.  Wednesday they both cried for about 30 minutes and then Thursday morning, Josie woke up around 3am and was obviously not going to just go back to sleep.  I went up and was going to try and comfort her with out picking her up or giving her a pacifier.  By 4:30am when she was still crying after I had done everything I could including rocking her, Ella was awake and crying now and Joey was too, I gave their ummies back.  I told Joey I didn't really care if they had them, it's not that big of a deal to me and we could just try taking them away at a later time.  So back to sleep we went.  Then Friday came and Josie ends up getting a sick.  She had runny nose and cough and I needed to give her Benedryl to try to dry her up.  So I just figured she would be exhausted from the benedryl and lack of sleep the night before, I would try bedtime with out their ummies.  If they cried for 10 minutes they would get them back.  Josie didn't cry at all and Ella cried for 2 minutes and both were asleep with out them and they haven't had them since.  Yay!  I just find it funny that when I was "oh its not that big of deal if they have them," they were over it.  But I was also surprised they had as hard of time as they did giving them up.  In hind sight, I probably would have just let them have them had I known they were going to cry about it as much as they did.  Parenting.....I seem to have lost my manual.
To end this boring post, here is a picture of me.


The helpers

The girls really like to help "cook" and help "do dishes" these days.  Which means we have 2 chairs in the kitchen and I get to squeeze between.  
Also my clean dishes have bubbles all over them because doing dishes to the girls means playing with the bubbles and water.

And here is something they learned over Christmas from Grandma.

Thanks Grandma. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I recently made a weekday trip to Des Moines and visited my friend Melissa and met the brand new edition to the familyt.  He is a big boy and really doesn't look much like his brother, much to my surprise.  I was only able to take very few pictures as we had some errands to run and by the time we got back to get pictures our lighting was gone. :(  But I do plan to visit little "Broccoli" soon and get some more pictures with his big brother and parents.  And maybe then he will sleep and be easier to pose for some pictures ;)

We did manage get a little smile

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year, almost

Happy New Year! 
We had a sitter and went out for a night on the town, however, we only made it to 11:30pm and had to go home.
We started the evening at a local restaurant that did a New Years buffet.  They do four special buffets a year, this was the first I had been to one.  It was DELICIOUS!  Too delicious I ate too much.  I got so sleepy and didn't feel to good from all the food I ate, I actually went outside and did some lunges to get things moving in hopes I would feel better.  I did for a little while, then I got tired again so home we went!
My new years resolutions so far is to drink more water.  I'm still working on some others....


 Christmas is about two things this year
1. The birth of Jesus
2.  This picture below
Ok there are more reasons, but this picture is classic
I was pretty excited this Christmas this year and here is the run down.  Santa came Friday night before Christmas and left the girls with lots of gifts.  He knew we would be in Ohio for Christmas so he came early.  The girls woke up the next day and spotted all the gifts from the landing and were excited.  It didn't take them long at all to start ripping into the wrapping paper.

The gifts Santa left

 They enjoyed opening the gifts Santa brought and were so happy about the babies. 
They were playing with these dolls and feeding them before all the other gifts were open.  This was "the gift" this Christmas as they haven't stopped playing with them!
Santa even brought them accessories for their babies including high chairs, bottles, bowls/spoons.
Santa also brought them a kitchen
And all the accessories
 Joey got some new cowboy boots from me and I got a new memory card for my camera. 
After we opened all our gifts, we went to a brunch buffet at the local country club where the girls could meet Santa.  It was great!  We didn't have to worry about cooking, the girls met Santa and it was a great family day.  The picture with Santa above is from the brunch.  After brunch we played and played and played.

That was our Christmas at home. 
In Ohio, we had more celebrating to do which included Christmas church, family, more gifts, seeing friends and TONS of food and eating.   
Uncle Josh with Josie
Josie opening more gifts
That is NOT all we did.  With all that eating we did, we needed to exercise.  Ella did her Yoga with Grandma.

And we got a family walk in since it was 50 degrees out

And reading with Grandmas (notice Josie's baby).
What a wonderful Christmas we had.  We were able to spend it with family and just really enjoy the time off work.  I have truly realized how blessed I am and so thankful I can celebrate the birth of Christ, who came to save us all, with the people that make Christmas so special.   Merry Christmas!