Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hide and Seek

We have some work do on this game, like the basics of counting and the game itself.  But they love it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Red white and blue 2015

So we are week out from 4th of July and I'm just getting to blogging.  Not sure where the time goes, especially since I'm off work!  Here is the run down of our 4th events.

We headed to local library where they had games and arts n crafts and of course the coveted red, white and blue Popsicle.  We ended with a parade.

We rented a camper near the lake for 2 nights for some sun and evening fun. So boating, campfires and unhealthy food is what we did. 

All the kids set up for dinner.
We then did a few crafts and coloring in the camper to entertain the kids for a bit


Ella and Josie showing of their 4th necklaces they made.
Family Fourth of July picture on the boat.  The towel piles are the girls! 

We've had so much rain these days the beaches were underwater so floating/swimming was the plan. I wasn't sure how the girls would do with this but Josie had her life jacket on and the fish ring and was very happy!  She didn't need me "around" hanging on to her and that was nice because Ella just wanted to jump off the back of the boat into my arms.  And since Joey had surgery and couldn't get into the water this worked out great!

Miss blue eyes

After day of boating we had some fireworks at our campsite from the neighbors.  We gathered around to watch and after about a half hour we took the girls into go to bed and they could watch the fireworks from the window at their bed, where they eventually just fael asleep.  

Even the littlest camper buoyed the weekend!  When we got home on Sunday, the girls were so exhausted.  After melt down city we put them to bed for nearly nap and they slept for 4 hours.  Hope everyone else had a great 4th like we did!  Happy birthday America!