Sunday, January 26, 2014

I'm packin and I'm not talkin about my lunch!

The world is a scary place, but this week it got a little scarier!  I took the conceal and carry class and now I am permitted to carry a handgun. 
On Saturday, we all went to "25 guys that can cook" fundraiser.  25 guys sign up and make a dish (some sides, some main and deserts) and the public pays $10/ticket and gets to eat 25 different foods and judge it.  It was delicious and awesome!  Our friend Don had a smoked meatloaf in the contest, but sadly didn't win :(. It was my favorite too!  The fundraiser benefits the Ottumwa symphony.
Crosby family serving it up!

Shultz family eating it up!
And the girls are back in action!  They had their very first ear infection and a round of hand, foot and mouth was passed through daycare.

On Saturday we got locked out of our house and the girls were on the inside.  The girls were in their cribs napping or I would have panicked.   I was without a coat or shoes and it was 15*,  but thank goodness I had my phone to take this picture of him picking the lock!

Friday, January 17, 2014


She's not even walking yet!  Oh Lord help me!!!!
She did this all on her own too!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1.  School cancellations make me think how awful June is going to be
2.  Random 50 degree weather in January make this girl very happy
3.  Ohio state didn't win against Iowa even though we were all wearing our OSU gear
4.  The girls are still in their infant carriers (Ella is not 20lbs) and it is a struggle, however when I lifted biceps I was surprised I wasn't sore!  Bonus!!
5.  We're famous again!
6.  My girls aren't cuddly anymore. They would rather get into shit than have mommy hold them!!
7.  Why is the iPhone, remote control, tablet like BABY CRACK??!!
8.  These snow days and break we have had reinforce why I want to work.
9.  What's with wanting to have kids 2years apart?  For us that would be in the next 6 months or so for 2 years apart--can't even imagine! 

9 is my lucky number so I will end my random thoughts and things in my life there, but I will leave you with this video...

So glad I don't have to push!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Workin on it

This isn't a new years resolution, it just happens to fall at that time, but I am going lose weight.  It's Not just about the weight, but also about being healthy, toned, in shape and how I feel when I work out.  My clothes are tight and I am the heaviest I've ever been, but clearly I've been busy.  I knew I would be busy so I gave myself a year.  A year before I worried about it.  Well my time is up and I am ready.  Ready to get back to it and run, and lift and feel better about myself.  This is stupid, but I feel better knowing I can run a 5K under 30 minutes and having bulging thigh muscles.  So this week I started and its not close to where I was when entered the hospital, but its a start.

lots of calories and lots of time :(
I hoping  routine kicks in and this continues!  I felt real good after this workout!

Friday, January 3, 2014




I recently took Jasmine's senior pictures for her.  I was rushed and could only do it after school so the lighting wasn't the best, but we did what we could.  The top one she loved and is putting it in the yearbook!  Not my best work, but I think Jasmine was happy with them and that is all that matters to me!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Party like a Rock Star!

We celebrated the girls' 1st birthday over the holiday with family.  The party was complete with a pig theme and a cake smash!

Cake table
I thought the cupcakes and cake turned out good.  Each 8 x 10 picture in the frames are newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 1 year pictures.  Crazy how much they have changed!!

 The girls with their birthday tutu's from Auntie Crystal

I made pig noses for everyone instead of party hats

 cousin Emma with her pig nose

 And then it was cake smash time :) :) :)

Ella loving her cupcake!

Josie all smiles

The girls at a year....

Josie Marie
weight: 20.5  pounds (25-50th percentile)
length:  27 1/3inches (3-10th percentile)

You are standing up unassisted and are just about to start walking.  You say momma, dadda, ella, night night and bye bye and all-done.  You are a happy baby, however you seem to have figured out your whine voice.  You are always on the move and usually find THE ONE thing in the room you can't have!  You like to bang on things and get into the cupboards and whatever your sister has, you want, no matter what!  You wear 12 month clothes and size 3 diaper. 

Ella Mae
weight: 17 3/4lbs (3-10th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (3rd percentile)

You are standing and walking along furniture.  You are crawling all over-usually following your sister!  You are sweet and goofy and are in the shadows of your sister.  You say night-night, momma, dadda and all-done.  You wave bye-bye and give kisses!  You are a lover and more of a cuddler!  You LOVE the cat food dish and that drives me nuts.  You are in 9 month clothes and size 3 diaper. 

Dad says "You guys are still slow enough we can keep up"

Don't hold your breath Dad, that is about to change!!!!

Christmas 2013

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
~John 3:16
Christmas day, the birth of Jesus, December 25th.  The only son of God given to us and this is the reason for celebration.  This is our first Christmas, not as a family, but home together, not in the hospital.  As I reflect on this Christmas and the true meaning of it, I see that instilling this into the girls' will be a challenge. We went to Ohio to celebrate with family and they were spoiled. 

Christmas Eve church
The girls didn't care much about the presents, but enjoyed ripping the paper (and eating it) and the bows!

Girls' "opening" presents

Ella playing on her new "piano"

The car filled to the top on the way home. Now do you believe me that they were spoiled?!!!

On a side note, who doesn't need this gift?!  This is the bearded hat I got my brother!