Tuesday, June 20, 2017

4 1/2 years old

It's hard to remember
what happens in December
It's busy, it's cold
So it's June we celebrate
when you're 4 1/2 years old

It's that time of year when the weather is warm, school is out and a certain set of twins turn 4 1/2 years old.  These 2 were beyond excited and kept asking about their presents that I had wrapped a few weeks before.  We had a small celebration at home, but they still had fun.  Eli is not in any of the pictures because he was napping, thank goodness, because he woulda just been in the way and getting into all their presents :)  He gets into EVERYTHING these days!

I found these 1/2 birthday shirts online and thought these would be cute for them

Celebrating in June, means I have time to do things like this, make a cake.  I thought it turned out pretty good, for me :)  I did a flower theme this year, as their wrapping paper was flowers, so a flower cake it was.

We were lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa E. here for their party.  Such lucky girls are to have grandparents that love them so much to make the trip.

Opening gifts--The girls were completely spoiled, but I think their favorite gift was the make-up.  Joey was less then impressed with this gift, but it is sooo cute to see them use it and then use it again and again, with out wiping their face.  I caught Ella in the application process!  HAHAHA!!  Loving the eye shadow! Maybe they will get it perfected by age 5.

Here they are with all their loot

Making a wish that every wish they wish comes true!

Happy 4 1/2 Birthday girls!  I hope you enjoyed your party and hope you have a very fun, exciting, full year ahead of you.  I really can't believe you are almost 5, seems like yesterday you were acting like Eli on a much less annoying scale :) 

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I had scheduled Ella's surgery, adenoids and tubes in the ears, for the first Monday in to my summer break because I just wanted to get it over and done with so we have the whole summer to enjoy.  She was so brave and such a big girl during the whole ordeal.  I tried very hard to explain about everything, especially the parts that I wasn't going to be around for.  I am able to do that because I have the inside information of what happens in surgery because I used to work there.  I am so proud of Ella and just how brave she was.

Pre-op she got crayons and a new teddy bear and stickers.  Then a visit from Dizzy the clown who helped her get some laughs before hand.  They whisked her back and about 30minutes later the doctor came to let me know that she had a lot of "GOO" in her ears that weren't able to drain and now that its out should really help with her hearing.  He also mentioned he surprised how big her adenoids were as he wasn't expecting them to be so big.

Post op she looked miserable.  She threw up a few times after surgery and at home, but she put herself to bed for a nap and woke up feeling quite a bit better.  Tuesday morning we had some tears from the pain but once we got her some pain meds she was perfect.  Wednesday morning she said she didn't want any medicine for her throat and she's been eating and playing as normal.  Surgery hardly kept this girl down!

Oh! And she can hear better too!