Saturday, September 27, 2014

Meal planning

Let's face it, being a mother is hard wok and  it's busy!  The thing that seems to be the easiest for cutting corners is dinner.  I've done the double the recipe and freeze it thing, but this time it was ALL GO!  One month of freezer meals done in a day.  My friend Jody had done this before and was just getting ready to do it again and I asked if I could join in.  She gave me her grocery list and off I went.
About half way through grocery shopping I was feeling very overwhelmed!!
We did this at Jody's house, so I loaded up our wagon with groceries and pans.
We chopped all the veggies first

Good thing she had tons of table space

A months worth of meat.
We worked for about 8 hours, I was EXAUSTED and was NEVER going to do this again.  Jody even completed a few of the meals we couldn't get done that day! 
The freezer stocked with delicious meals

It was really nice coming home from work and only having to turn on the oven and popping an already made meal in.  I think I will do it again, but I think we will be just a bit more organized and have the prep work done ahead of time.  I really like the easiness of dinner these days!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Elbow macaroni

Now that the weather is getting cool, the girls can't play with their water table....or can they?!!
I thought this would be a good winter activity in the basement, just add elbow macaroni.
8lbs of noodles-about $6 and they love it.
There is now about 1lb on the floor.

pretending to drink (no she didn't eat it)
For the record, Joey didn't want to do this and thought this would be a mess.
I can't think that macaroni will be that hard to clean up :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Down on the Farm

We needed to show off the cowgirl boots and check out some baby chicks!  Our friends just got some chicks and thought this would be a cute picture, except the girls weren't too sure about the chicks. 


Friday, September 12, 2014

garage sale and more

A few friends and I  put all our stuff together for a garage sale and last weekend and it was kinda fun, but a lot of work.  I didn't have very much to put in it, just random stuff we haven't used in years and just a few baby clothes.  We were setting up on Thursday night and I am sure that it was the hottest day ALL SUMMER.  Ugh.  Then we got rained out on Friday, but Saturday was a great day!  I got to socialize with friends and make money.  I made about $150 total, but I shopped at my own garage sale and bought quite a bit, so I didn't bring home that much!  HA!
And look at this cutie!
I don't get to worked up about what the girls wear, but those cowgirl boots are just too cute!

And we came home to grandma spoiling the girls.  A package full of stuff for the girls like costumes, princess dresses, sippy cups and activity books. They loved it!  Thanks Grandma!
and this cutie Ella....
Has been a major pistol.  MAJOR!  Josie is usually the drama baby, but this week it's Ella. Thank goodness they are not in the same stage at the same time.  She's been SUPER whiney and doesn't want to eat, or have her shoes off, or have them on after you put them on, or wear that coat or drink the "wa-wa" she asked for.  She even went to bed early one night.
Then there is this.  Maybe this why Ella whines. 
Julie Andrews, you ain't got nothing on me!
We also have a another mostly fulltime walker.  Albeit, unsteady and akward, she's walking.  Therapy, new style of boots and a sister to keep up with, Ella is mostly walking.  She grabs on walls, furniture, anything she can, but she is walking. 
 I can't help but laugh at this video though.  She likes to have those socks on her hands.....