Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photo/Day Project

I am making myself do a photo a day for 30 days project.  I will try to post them everyday.  I think I will just do a new blog for each picture, maybe..not sure of the set up.  Either way the assignment and photo will make it on here.  :)  This is something for me to do on my summer vacation. 

Day 1:  Your reflection

Day 2: Color

Day 3: Mail

Day 4: Someone that makes you smile :)

Day 5: Tiny

and the close up of the tiny bugs

Day 6:  My Shadow

Day 7: Lunch

Day 8: Inside my wallet

There's actually money in there!!

                                                 Day 9: Younger you

Day 10: Cold

Day 11: Where you ate breakfast

                                              Day 12: Something I found

We found this tree down in our backyard after a storm :)

Day 13:  How you feel today

My cat says it all..relaxed, tired, content, safe, no worries