Sunday, July 23, 2017

Summer 2017 Pictures

I FINALLY got around to taking the kids pictures this summer and it happened to be on the HOTTEST day in Iowa in 3 years.  No joke!  It was 99 degrees with a heat index of 110.  It was miserable and didn't last long be I managed to get a few good ones.  I may just try again this fall.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Summa time

Summer is going by so fast.  I will be back to work before I know it, but until then we will continue to enjoy it.  Here's some of the things we've been up to.  The girls are continuing their Bitty Barracuda swim lessons.  They are starting to swim under water and have done better since getting their goggles for their birthday.  Here is Josie working with her swim teacher, Ellen, who happens to be our sitter :)

We made it to Blank Park zoo in Des Moines.  It's a pretty small zoo, but perfect for us with small kids.  Here is Eli checking out the fish in the aquarium area.  He pretty much loved the zoo.
A couple of joey's
Here they are feeding the goats.  Even Eli was all about feeding them too and giggled when it ate it right out of his hand.
Of course there is a cow at the zoo in Des Moines
Josie's picture with the cow
Ella's favorite of the zoo is the giraffe exhibit.  She kept saying that this is Coffee's (her stuffed giraffe) mom.
And how we ended the day.  Maybe we aren't quite done with the double stroller yet.
And what would summer be if we didn't get bumps and bruises.  Eli got this bump at the playground.  He was ok and wanted to keep playing.
We celebrated the 4th of July with boating and camping.  Here the kids are enjoying glow sticks

Ella ready for some sun!
After camping we have to get a picture of us in our red, white and blue.  This was after we out to dinner to be in air condition because our AC went out and it was HOT!  We made it to the fireworks that evening but we had some very tired children so we were packing up before they were finished. 
Josie hanging out at home while our air condition gets fixed.  It was so hot in side and out.  She is so sweaty and it's made that hair really curl up.  We did get it fixed just in time because its going to be 94 today! Whew!

Father's Day

This year, the girls filled out these ALL ABOUT DAD questions before preschool let out.  They did them at Mother's day and I was responsible for holding on to them for Father's day.  I am glad they did this for the dads even though school is out when we celebrate.

A few of Josie's highlights of her all about dad
Favorite color- pink
Fav sport-basketball
Dad's age-59
I love dad because-he colors with me

Josie's picture of her and her dad :)
Ella's highlights of her all about dad:
Dad knows how to- build
Dad's favorite sport-baseball
Dad's age-9
Ella's drawing of her and daddy
For the record--Joey doesn't like basketball or baseball :)
Then dad got some things for the camper and a yard Jenga set he's been wanting
Teaching the girls how to play Jenga.

And this year we were able to celebrate fathers day with my dad as they were out here visiting.  What a wonderful fathers day.
Happy Fathers day to two of the best dads I know, Dad and Joey!  I hope you had a wonderful fathers day.