Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Camping Season?

When is the start of camping season?  I have no idea because I don't camp, until this year!  Camping is a lot of work and it's hot, an inconvenience, have pack everything up and then there's the kids and that adds on soooo much more work.  So when Joey mentioned wanting a camper, I was not to keen on the situation, but would consider a camper that meets my specific needs.  Here were my needs-a pop-up (because I was not buying another vehicle to tow a camper and I don't want to store it), AC, bathroom and fits all 5 of us comfortably.  Well, we found one with all our needs and here it is...

These two pictures were while we were looking at it.
We put it up in our backyard this past weekend because the weather was so nice.  Here is the inside: the door is on the left by the stove, then built in microwave, sink, at the end is a queen bed, opposite of the sink is a FRIDGE.  Then the table that is also the double bed.
Then looking at the other end is the KING bed, built in stereo on the left and the toilet/shower on the right.  When not is use it breaks down for more table space. And on the floor is Joey :)
Here is the table set up
And here it is at night.  It got pretty chilly in the evening so we were able to turn the HEAT on and stay out and enjoy the camper in our back yard.  You can see it is a pop-up and has a slide out.  This will definitely fit our family of 5 quite well.  I am looking forward to lots of family time and adventures with our camper.  Most of camping trips will be weekends at the lake after boating, but I know the girls will still enjoy it and eventually Eli will too!
So, when does camping season begin?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Valentines 2017

So, I guess Valentine photos are becoming an annual tradition.  Not my intention when I started, but I get to enjoy cute photos.  Here are this years pictures!


We have a few extra curricular activities for the kids going on these days.  On top of gymnastics, I signed the girls up for basketball.  It was only 8 weeks long and I figured getting them exposed to some sports would be good for them and I hoped they would enjoy it.  I signed them up and Josie said she wasn't going to play and that she has to be 16-10 years old to play.  So I thought this could be bad.  But after the first "practice" they both warmed up to it.  They have games on Saturday morning and it is hilarious

Josie playing some Bball
Josie getting the ball passed to her to dribble down.
Here is a quick video of Ella dribbling.  She has been at home practicing her dribbling a lot.  They have each improved since the first game.  Josie actually got in there and was kinda "fighting" for the ball with some kids.  So all in all I think it has been a good thing for them.  They still have LOTS to learn but I was hoping for the exposure.

And even Eli has an activity.  I signed him up for water babies, which is the same thing the girls were in.  I want him to have exposure to the water for boating season this year.  He loves bath, but this is just a tad different.  His first class he was a bit unsure and was thinking about crying, but didn't do to bad.  He did not crack a smile at all, but did splash the water a few times in a playful way.  I am hoping he learns to LOVE the water.  If not, at least he looks so CUTE in his swim suit!
And NO, he isn't walking, but he stands unassisted right now and has taken about 2-3 steps. :)

Friday, February 10, 2017

We're Famous

Recently some of the Shultz family members have made it the news.  The girls recently had their picture taken because they are 1 out of 6 sets of IDENTICAL twins at their small school.  They also have a set of fraternal twins for a total of 7 sett of twins.

And here I am on TV.  I was being interviewed about our teen health center that just received grant money to be at the high school again.  The center provides a doctor, counseling, and multiple other things for free.  They provide some glasses, prescriptions, hygiene items for free too.  It really is a great service to be able to provide for our students and parents. 

Of course, this was the day I didn't do my hair and I was wearing a Tshirt and looked awful.....