Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Blog book

I am pretty excited about my blog book I made. We got home tonight, from Christmas in Ohio, and this was waiting for me!  I am not much of a scrap booker so this my way of "scrap booking." My blog was put into a hard covered, bound book.  I started, basically, with the birth of the girls thru 2013.  I wanted to see how it would turn out and decide if I would do more. It's good. I didn't spend anytime fixing my blogs punctuation or spelling errors, that made it easier. If anyone else is interested I ordered it off blogtoprint.com

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2 Year Stats


Length: 33 1/2 inches  (50-75 percentile)
Weight: 28 1/4 lbs   (25-50th percentile)
Head: 20 1/4  (above 97th percentile)

Josie, you continue to be my good eater.  You are wearing a size 4 diaper and 2T clothes.  You are saying so many words, each day is something new.  You are a very good helper and like to help cook and "wash" (dishes).  You love to socialize, love playing with friends at school (you don't even care when mom comes down to see you), you LOVE to color and play with babies.  You are also my drama queen and my silly goose.  You have been pointing at things and asking "what's this?" and we tell you what it is and you respond "ohhh" everytime.  It's pretty cute!  You are catching on to so many things and we enjoy watching you learn the world around you.  We love you, Josie Marie.

Lenth: 32 1/4in (10-25 percentile)
Weight:  24 1/4lbs
Head:  75th-90th percentile
Ella, you are my most ornery kid.  You are a peanut, but that doesn't fool mom!  You are in 18-24month clothes and eat pretty good too.  You are in size 4 diapers as well.  You have gone pee-pee on the potty three times now!  You wear your braces at nap/night time and have been a walker since October.  You are actually running, now, trying to keep up with your sister.  You are learning so many words, but you don't talk quite as much as your sister.  You know exactly how to tease Josie and get a rise out of her.  Time-outs don't seem to really bother you and when mom tells you "no," you look right at me, smile and continue to do it.  You are so naughty and sometimes it's hard for mom and dad not to laugh.  Running away from mom when putting coats on or taking your sisters shoe while I am trying to put them on is some of your orneriness.  Lately you've been carrying your purse and saying bye to everything in the room and making a lap all to come back into the room and do it again.  "Bye Santa.  bye Dadda, bye Momma, bye slide, bye toys" and off you go.  We love you to the moon back Miss Ella Cabella!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy birthday

The girls are two!  I can't believe it!  Where have my tiny premie babies gone?  We tried not to make a big to-do of their birthday, but.....this is how 2 was celebrated.
Birthday pictures
It only took 2 years to get you both smiling and looking at the camera :)

"Ice cream cone" cookie treats for school.

Birthday cards from Gigi
BIG packages for big girls from the Blegens

Dress up
Playing Doctor with their new doctor kit
and special aprons handmade by Lynn Schulte

cooking with dad in their aprons

And coloring books from uncle Joe and auntie Crystal
Happy Happy Happy Birthday girls!  You have lots of people that love you and love to spoil you!  You are very lucky little girls.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


This is exciting stuff right here....We just had some attic space added to our garage as the storage was limited in this house. I have stuff EVERYWHERE! And with kids it is getting worse. So I turned down some cool plans with the kids so I could move stuff to the attic. It was 50 out in December so I was taking full advantage to move stuff up! 

The ladder up. Woo. 

Turns out I didn't have that much to move up there. I'm sure I will fill this storage place up fast enough.  
I did go thru the baby clothes as I have a new niece to arrive in March. I was sad to see those clothes and see just how much my "babies" have grown. There was even some premie clothes, so tiny.  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Photo shoot Shultz style

When I rented my lens a while ago don't think I didn't get pictures of our family.  It didn't go well and I was HIGHLY disappointed that the girls would not both look at the camera and smile at the same time.  I know, I know, I complain about this all the time., but it is just really frustrating.  The girls (especially Ella) were to focused on investigating the world around them, than smiling.  Oh well.   I am a little different and was waiting to post these pictures until after I got my Christmas cards out.  I wanted it to be a surprise!  So here are a few of the pics.
I think the girls were looking at a bird here.
This last picture, I had asked Josie to hold her sisters hand to help her walk.  Ella had JUST started walking full time and was still very unsteady and awkward.  Like a good sister she helped her!

Monday, December 1, 2014


November was here and gone.  It went by fast, but that must be because of everything that happened.  We had Grandma S. come visit us.  The girls had a great time with her and learned how to say "gamma" before she left.  On the same day she left, my friends from back home came to visit.  Ryan and Michelle now live in Buffalo and I was so excited when they told me they wanted to come visit.  It is so hard to see everyone at Thanksgiving and Christmas when we are in the same city, so this was great to have them visit.  It was quite a bit different then it use to be now that we have the girls and all. 
My friend who had Boy/Girl twins, they turned one!  Cat in the hat was theme for these two "things"
After all that fun, we headed to Ohio for Thanksgiving.  The first trip with DVD players and they were great.
Josie "glued" to Finding Nemo
Shultz side Thanksgiving included playing with Sophia in the dog kennel. 
They climbed in on their own, so we locked em in! ;)
You know you would too!
The girls LOVED Sophia and were right by her side.
We were able to hang out with her again at "Lights before Christmas" at the Toledo Zoo.
Round 2 was just as delicious as Round 1

Uncle Joe was fun!

The family
Uncle Randy was pretty cool too!
The 9.5 hour drive was long and dreadful, but the Iowa sunset we catch on the way home makes it just a little better.