Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Birthday party

Eli had quite the time celebrating his birthday!  He a couple of parties and the first one was at daycare.  His friend Calvin shared the day of celebration as his birthday is the day before on the 9th.  They are 14 hours apart.  Here are the birthday boys with their crowns.

Eli couldn't wait to take the crown off.  No worries though, all the staff and mom were right there to put it back on!  For his party Eli brought in some cookies to share with everyone.  I thought he may get caked out since I did the cake smash and the next day was his birthday party.  The cookies went over well with the daycare staff because of the easy clean up!
On Saturday we had a party for Eli with friends at our house.  We had a fire truck theme.  Eli was very spoiled!

Cake smash round 2.  All that red icing sure made for some interesting diapers....

And then it was gift opening.  Eli must be a very special boy because he was thoroughly spoiled.
Eli struggled to keep up with sisters to open his presents!  They were quite the handful with his presents. 
Blocks, dinosaurs, car mat and cars, camping chair and swimsuit, quad rider and blankets, Spider-Man sleeping bag and more.  This kid was SPOILED! 
He's ready for camping with his new chair!
All of the kids
Big birthday and now he thinks he's big man on campus!  Little dare devil now!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Eli At a Year

I've said it before and I will say it again, I just cannot believe that it has been a full year since we brought Eli home from the hospital.  The time sure has gone by quick but we made sure to enjoy the time with him.  The girls are ABSOLUTELY in love with him and he is a perfect fit in our family and the perfect completion to our family.

Eli at a year is a total momma's boy and very happy.  Although he has just recently started to throw some tantrums, like when we don't let him play on the steps.  We are such terrible parents.  He has taken a few steps but is not a full time walker yet, but I bet in the next couple of weeks he will be.  He has 5 teeth, 3 on the bottom and his 2 front teeth.  He is wearing 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers and his last weigh in he was 20 1/4lbs and length he was 291/4 inches.  He is pretty good eater and is still breastfeeding in the mornings and evenings.  He loves balls and cars and balloons and being outside.  Lately, he seems like he doesn't want to be rocked to bed.  He loves to play with things he shouldn't as well, like the night lights in the bedrooms, all the stuff in the cabinets and in the pantry

Eli Nathaniel, we love you sooo much and although it is going way to fast, we can't wait to see what your world will look like.  We love to see grow and develop into who you will be right before our eyes.  Keep on rockin and rollin buddy!  I know daddy is ready for a fishing partner.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Cake Smash

We are in the final days of my baby remaining a baby before he becomes a toddler! :(  How can my baby be turning 1 already?!  I feel like we were just brining home and I was doing my newborn shoot with him.  Instead, I am doing his one year cake smash photos.  Eli was kinda a pain in the butt and cried a lot and barely smiled.  JERK :) Which I guess he's preparing for me toddler stage again.  Here are a few from his ONE year cake smash, with my commentary.  Enjoy them, I'm gonna go cry about my baby no longer being a baby!
'What is going on here?  I like balloons'
'Dear lord, please let me be able to eat this whole thing and it not go straight to my abs'
'Oh my goodness! They are letting me have it!'
'Hmmm, I guess this cake is ok'
'Would that lady get outta my face with the camera and let me eat my cake'
'These candies look good'
'Fine keep taking my picture, I'm gonna keep eating this cake'

'Woah! This is hard work, I'm gonna just chill right here on this balloon'

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Eli's baptism

On Saturday, February 18th we FINALLY got Eli baptized.  Although it took me forever to do it, it was kind of rushed to get it done before Lent.  We opted to do it outside of mass and Father Jim said he would do it on Saturday morning then.  And since we were not doing it during mass, Grandma E was able to face time and be a "part of it" from Ohio.  Although, I know she would have loved to actually been there for it.  We were able to make it work.  Eli's godparents are close friends of ours, BIll and Nancy Bishop.

Eli is super happy that the Bishops are his godparents.
Bill and Nancy will be a great compliment to our Christian teachings and faith in our heavenly father.  I am so grateful they accepted our request to be his godparents. 
It was a very short, sweet ceremony and I know 2 girls who appreciated that.  Clearly they are excited.  Later that day we had a dinner celebration to celebrate Eli's baptism.