Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Everyday Shenanigans

We have been busy since getting back to school.  Here are a few of the everyday things we have been up to. 
About week 3 of school and Ella came down with some sort of virus.  She got sick Tuesday night and remained sick with high temperatures thru Friday so she missed all those days of school.  Her classmates all made her cards to feel better and her sister brought them home for her.  It was very cute and also was a spelling/writing lesson for them :)

We have been busy watching football and seeing friends.  This day we were watching football at a friends house and Eli was driving his red car around and I guess he figured he would make it thru this "flooding."  We heard a lot of jokes about Ohio State fans because of this.

The girls wanted to do some "science experiments" they had seen on TV, so here is our volcano erupting.  And these 3 ornery kiddos have so much fun in the kids cove together while their moms workout!

We went camping over labor day and it was muddy wet mess, but the kids didn't mind.

We now have 2 bike riders with out training wheels.  It took almost to the end of summer, but Ella GOT IT!  So now there are lots of bike rides in our future and I am ok with it. 
Ottumwa had an air show in town and we visited.  I swear it was the hottest day all summer.  We were pretty miserable and Eli very clearly said "I want to go home"  So we left.  It's really a neat air show but the heat ruined it. 
Climbing the rocks at Lake Red Rock.  The kids enjoyed doing this and since the weather wasn't cooperating it kept them entertained.

 Eli had been getting into his big boy undies although, we are not potty training him.  He wears them around for a little bit and then his diaper gets put back on.  I want to wait to potty train him until after the holidays because it will make traveling a bit easier.  We shall see.
And finally, the girls (mostly Josie) wanted to do ballet and tap dance.  Ella tried on the tap shoes and her face lit up.  So far they are liking it.  They have a lot of friends in the class so I think that helps.  I mostly glad they are doing the same activity so our schedule is easy. :)


Poor Donut!  She was having a few bathroom issues so I took her into the vet.  After testing her urine for a UTI and then drawing labs we found out she had Diabetes Insipidus.  That is,  she is lacking a hormone that regulates her urine so she is CONSTANTLY making urine which makes her thirsty all the time.  Hence, why she was going to the bathroom out of her litterbox.
It was a tough, but we needed to re-home her.  I was looking for a place that had a building she could get into to stay warm and would be taken care of, otherwise we would have to put her down.  I did not want to have to do that, especially since she wasn't in pain and could live with diabetes insipidus she just needs to be outside and have access to water.  Well, I found a home for her and I dropped her off.  These are the last pictures we have with her before I dropped her off.  I was quite upset when I got back, but this was way better than putting her down.  I hope she is ok with being an "outside" cat now.  We miss Donut!!