Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas Time

Christmas time usually, technically, begins Decemeber 6th with St. Nick arriving and putting treats in our shoes.  We do put our tree and decorations up the weekend before Thanksgiving buuuuttttt...it's really kicked off with St. Nick.  This year he brought an ornament for everyone and an advent game.  The game is to get you into the Christmas spirit by doing different games and acts of kindness and crafts.  We have really enjoyed the game and will totally be able to do it next year.  I really recommend it as the girls have really liked it and liked doing their secret missions.
This is the first year I tried ginger bread houses.  This just seems like a headache to me.  I got these ginger bread kits from Aldi on clearance last year for $1.25 I think.  I know you don't eat ginger bread houses so I figured it was ok.  It was ok, everything was wrapped up individually and fine, but ELI of course still ate it.  He hasn't gotten sick yet so I guess clearance is the way to go (?) lol.  These kits were pretty neat and had everything you needed and the girls are the perfect age for them as they needed little help.  Eli's train kept falling and the houses are now in the trash.  They enjoyed it. They were cheap and that's what I have to say about that.
What's Christmas time with out Christmas programs at school.  Here are the girls singing and Eli serenading us in the car!!! 

The girls ready in their Christmas dresses
Eli wanted in on the picture action
Ice cream after the show with friends!
We had our annual John Deere Christmas party and they had a photo booth, so of course we did the photo booth!  We had a lot of fun but quickly realize how old we are when we stay up to midnight. :)
And what is Christmas with out cookie decorating.  I wasn't going to do this with kids as the ginger bread houses were to take the place of that.  But the girls were invited to decorate cookies at the local college with their pastry chef by a friend.  There were 10 girls total and their moms.  The baker had the dough ready and we made sugar cookies, pinwheels and whatever those ones with the Hershey kiss in the middle.  We came home with 6 boxes of cookies!!!!  The girls had a great time and quite frankly I did too.  No prep, no clean up and everything ready to go! My kind of baking! 
Josie intently decorating her name.  We made J O S I E sugar cookies.
Ella caught tasting her work
We have also drove thru the holiday nights and lights they have here which is a drive thru Christmas light spectacular and Eli's Christmas program is to come.  We have been enjoying the Christmas season and are good on our shopping/ wrapping.  There is just always so much in December!